Harry potter refuses to follow dumbledore fanfiction. Everyone took their seats with the Headmaster at the head.
Harry potter refuses to follow dumbledore fanfiction Its surface was slightly cloudy, but his reflection shimmered faintly. You really are a natural at teaching. Warnings: Completely AU, partly OOC, de-aging, mentioning of abuse!Dursleys, Dumbledore bashing, good Tom, evil Dumbledore, character death!Dumbledore by choking on a lemon-drop Jun 21, 2015 · The war finally over and everyone was married and happy. It turns out that Tom Marvolo Riddle had split his soul into seven parts and made something called horcruxes. He was not going on any more adventures. OoOoO. The Order had tracked down and destroyed most of them. Chapter Sixteen - Dumbledore's Second Bad Day (Part 1) # # # After training the next morning, the Monday before the great Harry Potter 'reveal' in Diagon Alley, Harry brought Hermione and Dan back to the Pottery. " Dobby said happily, bouncing in place. Only joking - if my owl gave you the letter, it was for you. " Dobby eventually showed up at Hogwarts and Dumbledore gave him a job – a job with certain conditions tacked onto it such as swearing not to bond with Harry Potter and to report everything concerning Harry Potter back to Dumbledore so that the Headmaster could "help the dear boy" and keep him on the correct path, the path of the Light and away Dumbledore expected Harry to rank and rave, and he had fully intended to put his foot down on this matter; Harry needed to know that prophecies were real if he were to accept the fate of his life. Albus Dumbledore was not a bad man. "Yes, why?" The hat asked curious. Partly a child fic. As was my wish to do when my charges are dropped. He has been asked many times for him to stop Grindelwald, but he refused, knowing that his work is futile, since the vial sealing his and Grindelwald's blood pact was taken by Newton Scamander. There was a twinkle in the headmaster's eyes as he said, "Please sit down. Another coil at mouth level prevented this. "So that's the reason why everything happened. "I'll respect that man when he respects me back," he said evenly. Harry cannot want to go back to the wizarding world Jul 14, 2020 · The speed in which a mind assesses information meant that Dumbledore had all this deduced before he was struck by the wards that prevented harm from befalling Harry Potter. Your family terribly misses you and loves you. Take off your robes. As Rubeus Hagrid stood in front of the door to the hut on the rock, he felt extremely proud to be doing this special service for Albus Dumbledore. This means a lot," Harry said. "Professor Snape, Harry," Dumbledore corrected him, and Harry felt his eyebrow twitch. Titles: Lord: Gryffindor Peverell Potter Black LeFay. Especially those last couple of scenes between Tom and Harry. With a snap of his fingers he was gone, leaving two stunned wizards behind. Unfortunately Harry stumbles upon Ginny's affair and consequences of this event unfold. Reviewing all the stupid mistakes made by the adults around him, he returns in time to sort out Harry Potter and all characters, etc. BANG! The doors to the great hall opened to reveal a confidently striding Harry Potter, still in his battle armor. If Harry vanquished Albus Dumbledore then he feared for the safety of their world. Dumbledore, of course, recognized it instantly. Many noted that Harry refused to answer the Headmaster's questions and that the Headmaster didn't require them answered. Jan 26, 2012 · When Harry and Sirius heard the prophecy they discussed what it could mean. And maybe had fun pointing out all the times in Deathly Hollows 2 when it looked like there was just too much sexual tension. Dobby bowed low, his ears flopping as he beamed with pride. Harry Potter was not Albus Dumbledore. With a chuckle, Dumbledore placed the portkey on Harry's chest and tapped it with his wand. The muttering in the Great Hall rose to a low roar as people discussed these developments, but it quietened down again as the fames in the Goblet flared up again. Harry thought he may have a friend still in Hermione but she has sided with Ron and basically will not talk to Harry. K. Up to you if Harry wants to destroy the wizarding world or prove that he's better by trying to improve his own world by telling the wizarding world to get lost . The Quibbler. "DON'T LIE TO ME!!!" Harry shouted. I don't quite understand, I must say. You caused this mess, you can fix it. The court awaits your plea, Mr. Dumbledore has tried to call in a variety of Order members but all of them have been rebuffed by Shadow. , Harry P. Harry heard his name ring out from where Dumbledore stood at the front of the hall. ”50 points from Gryffindor,” Snape said, a smirk on his sallow face. "Not to mention a social climber, he'd force you into marriage and take your family line in a heartbeat, and expect you to follow his orders," Neville warned her. There are only two left. Feb 13, 2024 · It would be great - and I believe with all my heart Harry's going to get him in the end - but doing it in one year with only Ron and Hermione's help seems like a tall order. Dobby and Twinky is happy to look after you, sirs. "Have you got a minute Harry?" Arthur asked diffidently. I don't really know how you feel about him anymore," Harry admitted as he stood up, "But I guess I don't care either way. Until… "Miss Greengrass, Harry needs time away to grieve" Dumbledore said. Summary : Snape can never refuse Dumbledore. Aug 31, 2021 · Dumbledore's Folly Chapter 01 A Chance To Take. She gave him a look like I dare you to say anything. Chapter Four. By: ChoCedric. The chill from the corridors still clung to him, but he refused to let it show. Rated: Fiction K - English - Albus D. - Words: 2,211 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 7 - Published: 1/21/2005 - id: 2229242 Jul 19, 2024 · -8-Screw the Tournament! By Time-Traveller-1900. Harry, you are a wizard, just like I am a witch. The story I tell here is not part of J. Dumbledore has been trying to force him into the Harry Potter mold he wants, but Shadow isn't cooperating at all. I do not claim any ownership over any characters or the world of Harry Potter. He had also seen the man watching the annoying trio. As a gift to me, she's sending all of the Malfoy elves to clean up my mother's home. "Harry, I don't-" Dumbledore said, trying to calm him. But, still, their changes in behavior, demeanor and apparently new friendship with Harry Potter. "Harry, please forgive us" Hermione Granger squealed. As his anger started to ebb, he then noticed a mental probe in his mind. The Minister would get involved and just make all the charges disappear" 'Terrible, but great—' Harry chuckled under his breath '—although Voldemort will need a new wand to kill me; the phoenix feather he has in his wand is the twin of the one in my wand, and they refuse to fight one another in some weird Priori Incantatem thing that Dumbledore sort of explained — in the same way he explains everything but you Harry was sitting with Hermione in the parlour of 'The Leaky Cauldron' finishing his charms homework when Mr and Mrs Weasley came in accompanied by Professor Dumbledore. He saw the Know-It-All shake her head no. Dumbledore reveals his love for the ‘Snowman’, refuses to die, Harry decides to leg it and Snape and McGonagall search in vain for the plot. He just simply continued with the ceremony. I refuse to lay my life on the line for you, Dumbledore. "Of course" Harry said politely putting down his quill. He'd given it to Flitwick for the boy that morning. When the courthouse was silent once more, Amelia turned to look at Harry. " He laughed and simply told her that she was perfect. Ron Weasley was well aware of this. "Three. Harry stopped for a second and looked over at Umbridge. The image of Harry Potter the Dumbledore created and wanted to keep alive. "Dobby is always The ministry and Dumbledore would want to make an example out of him. For what reason? "The Great Harry Potter has to walk past the wall three times, thinking about what kind of place he wants. It took three years and Harry and his godfather worked extensively with Amelia Bones of the DMLE, the aurors, and the Unspeakables to make sense of all of Albus' notes. Everyone took their seats with the Headmaster at the head. Otherwise, the property belongs to Albus Dumbledore. Understanding the old man's intent, Harry, in what he knew to be a rather childish action, removed his hands from behind his head and slid them under his body. After a while, Hermione said, "I think that was a very good lesson, Harry. "You're not going to shut Harry up in that hell hole! I won't have it!" Daphne shouted. Harry hoped eventually everyone would forget or lose interest in the lost points. They had arrived. "This is all your fault Albus!" Voldemort snarled. He was one of Harry's two best friends. " "The situation with Professor Snape is a complicated one that I do not wish to go into detail on at the moment," Dumbledore said. 8k words): "because the horcrux in Harry's head wasn't dealt with when he was a child, and was killed by a rather brute force method after much trauma, Harry Potter is an adult who will not live to see his 30th birthday. The last thing he clearly remembered was that he was in the "Come and Go" Room with Dobby and they had been discussing various things that Dobby could do for Harry as Harry's elf. " Over the summer, Harry read "The Communist Manifesto". Rowling (rhymes with doe, not bow), Bloomsbury and (I'm not sure about this one) Warner Bros. Severus, I realize that this is another letter that you will probably use as fuel for you cauldron fire but I feel that I must make an attempt, futile though it might be, to reach out to you. 19 June 1996. I'm staying here. He knew what they were up to and sat down. Both Lord Potter and Mr. Remove him at once. [Complete] At the start of Harry's seventh year Dumbledore has come up with the perfect way of ending the war. The mystery behind Snape and Quirrell and the Stone could be left for Professor Dumbledore. He never stole from Harry's accounts nor was he aware of just what sort of life he held at the Dursley's. belong to J. AU. 'Dear Harry, you're neither a freak nor a burden to anyone! If your name is Harry Potter and your birthday is on the 31st of July, 1980, then the letter was for you. " Letters between Dumbledore and Petunia Dursley after the death of Lily and James Potter. When Severus placed the bonding bracelet on Harry's left wrist, it refused to lock. Harry planned to share these memories with Professor Sprout right after class. How was this happening? Why couldn't he just have a normal year at school for once? Apr 1, 2023 · A collection of "Harry Potter's Mad as Hell and Not Going to Take it Anymore" fics, for those of us who thought Dumbledore and/or Hogwarts were often more of a threat to Harry and his friends than any Dark Lord. "Yes. REPOSTED to fix errors! The Triwizard Tournament brings loneliness and isolation for an angry and disillusioned Harry A/N: Don't own Harry Potter. ) He felt … even worse. Harry James Potter was a very angry teenager. Any moment now you're going to wake up back It was believed that the two corpses in the cell had been Harry and Rabastan Lestrange and when Dumbledore had raced to Gringotts to check out Harry's trust vault he had been informed by the Goblins that the vault had been "absorbed into the Potter main vaults" which was a euphemism for "the vault's owner died. A week later, Albus Dumbledore conducts a ritual to summon from another timeline, a Harry Potter who already has vanquished Voldemort. " Sirius said as they just finished listening to the prophecy contained in the orb. Disclaimer: Harry Potter is owned by JKRowling. That, perhaps, Harry should go to Dumbledore before doing anything drastic, and he'd better understand what he was doing wrong, why he wasn't making progress. In the Ministry Atrium, Voldemort statuefies Harry by a spell, which puts the Prophecy on hold. Did you think there is no more copies in other places. It was exactly nine months after Harry was sentenced to life in Azkaban for killing Neville Longbottom. He did not remember many of the details of that talk, but it was clear to Harry that having an Elf as a friend and helper was probably a very good thing. " …. Heir Tied to a chair, fuming mad, and silenced, Harry was bonded to Severus Snape by Albus Dumbledore. " Having said his piece, Harry returned to the kitchen. Apr 30, 2005 · Harry Potter sat in silence; to many, the Boy-Who-Lived was a hero, the hope of the wizarding world, but Harry knew better. This awoke many of the portraits in the office. "That's line-theft, headmaster Dumbledore. Malfoy, Draco you're both looking well" he said as he walked across the room and bowed, kissing her hand. " AN: I do not own Harry Potter, I just enjoyed the books and movies. Dumbledore's gaze lingered on Harry for a moment too long. Apr 14, 2021 · “Bullshit!” Harry replied. For nearly a full minute, Lucius seethed as Dumbledore sat calmly staring at him. Knowing Voldemort had returned Harry and Sirius both believed Harry should be with witches and wizards, not stuck with muggles. Right now, all he could do was hope that Potter's honor would stop that from happening. Three strikes, now Potter. No wizard could harm Harry Potter while he was in the house protected by Lily's sacrifice. One of them is Nagini, the other – Harry. Then he turned to Dumbledore and asked, "May I ask the reason for the call? I was busy. He'd obviously mock them all, apparently all they did was disarm and stun and get themselves killed. Harry ignored Dumbledore; this should annoy the old coot. Harry had spun to look at him with his own face showing his surprise. There is a prior betrothal, mentioned in the Potter Will, you sealed. There is only one problem, Harry refuses to play the Headmaster's game. Harry James Black Potter. Ron still refuses to talk to Harry since his name game out of the goblet of fire a month ago, along with most of the Gryffindors who have given in the cold shoulder. Potter, she suddenly thought, feeling nauseous at the idea but it was the only way. Lady Longbottom went to follow but stopped near Harry. " Dumbledore cut him off cruelly. " Harry hadn't a clue as to what Dumbledore had asked him. "Weasley, do cease your babbling. As if that wouldn't be bad enough, Ron would probably yell at Hermione that Harry was trying and Snape was a Death Eater, and they'd go at least the evening bickering or not talking to Harry looked around the hall, disbelief etched onto his face; he took in the horrified, angered, confused looks of everyone else before bringing his gaze back to Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. How Dumbledore expected a nearly mindless, submissive creature to defeat Voldemort was a mystery to him, however. As the room of requirements door vanished with pop, Harry, Ron, and Hermione set off down the corridor, Harry checking the marauders map and holding his invisibility cloak ready. A reminder to the wizarding world how he, Dumbledore, was saving them. Oneshot Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Parody/Humor - Albus D. If you like I can also say non, nein, nyet and no fucking way. Alix, your help is always welcomed and appreciated. 'Don't worry Harry, this is just a dream; this is not real. The pizza and fries that were served to the students on the 2nd of January, the second day after the end of the Christmas holidays, was delicious and many students considered it a true way to end the Christmas break. "Harry, you need to leave NOW," said Dumbledore. Harry spoke with his godfather and in the end he buckled down and got serious about his studies. He saw how his pupil, Harry Potter, was dispatching the Inferi. By chance, Minerva McGonagall meets a six-year old Harry Potter. It would appear that Dumbledore wanted Lord Potter to face a revived V_. Dumbledore's Greatest Mistake ~~oOoOo~~ A/N: Thanks to my wonderful Beta, LtsHrIt4ThBoyz. When Dumbledore stood to make announcements Harry was shocked to discover Remus was to be the new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor. He has since sent spies to retrieve the vial, but to no avail. - Words: 455 - Reviews: 24 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 6 - Published: 1/27/2006 - Status: Complete - id: 2772536 Harry Potter was working on his own away from Ron and Hermione. " "The Great Harry Potter has to try! Dobby uses the Room to rest sometimes, or to help Winky. " Harry didn't want to ask about the Potter elves just yet as they might have died and he didn't want Sirius to be sad. . But then my eyes widen as I think: "Wait, this – this is my – my Mar 31, 2018 · He arranged for Harry to have a complete exam by the Goblins to back up the return of funds for neglect and abuse. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Sep 12, 2024 · Sirius Black says to tell Harry Potter to use it whenever he needs it!" Harry took the package and unwrapped it to reveal a small, weathered mirror. Out of everyone in the world, he was probably the one who was most aware of this. Lupin and Mr. He knew what many people thought about him – they thought he was stupid, a dimwit, and violent to boot. 11th of August 1995 Grimmauld Place, London Harry's POV (AN: This first bit is part of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, at the very end of chapter 06. Chapter 37 Thoughts of the Future. 15th of April 1996 Arthur's Office, Hogwarts Harry's POV. What did you call him? Ah, that's right, The-Boy-Who-Died-To-A-Muggle," he commented airly. Harry certainly didn't look like the Harry Potter any longer. What are the consequences of failing to comply?” Harry asked again, ignoring the dungeon bat. Neville and Harry gave their opinions on the other seventh year Gryffindors and Tracy told them what she knew about the final year Ravenclaws. Actually, the story of Shadow now having Dumbledore's wand is very true. It is the only way to save you and Harry Albus Dumbledore, conqueror of the last Dark Lord Grindelwald, laid in the ground trying to catch his breath. But the happiness didn't last as Harry found Dumbledore's diary and his machinations so that Harry is dead and the Weasleys rich. Daphne sat still, processing everything Harry had said, with a melancholic expression etched tightly on her face. "All right, I'll "Hat, are you awake?" Harry asked to the sorting hat, before someone said a word. She had heard her father talking about a supposed group led by Dumbledore. It is then that Harry Potter vows to kill Voldemort not because everyone expects him too but purely for revenge while also telling the everyone to save themselves cause he's done playing hero. Apr 21, 2019 · Not Dumbledore. Disclaimer: I don't own anything that has the words Harry, Potter, Muggle, Avada, Kedavra, Voldemort You get the picture. But Dan just said his orders were to protect the Countess until she left This Harry Potter story was written for fun. I refuse to fight for a world which has done nothing for me, for people who turn on me at the slightest provocation, for the people who left me to suffer in a cupboard for ten years without bothering to check on me. The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore. Same rules apply as with my CR stories. He had endured traumatic year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that included being forced into a deadly tournament with students much older than him simply because someone else entered his name. I, Harry James Potter-Black-Gryffindor-Slytherin-LeFey-Merlin-Peverell, hereby claim my rightful seats in the Wizengamot. All rights belong to the wonderful lady (JK Rowling) who gave the world Harry Potter to read and enjoy. How Harry Potter was their Savior. Harry was a powerful wizard The train jolted to a stop. Regardless, the title and honour of 'Baron Black' is given to Harry Potter. Feeling confident that any moment now the Sorting Hat would declare Harry Potter a Gryffindor, Dumbledore leaned back in his throne-like chair in the Great Hall and waited for this outcome. Ron should be, he was even the one that had shown Harry his first image of Dumbledore on a chocolate frog card, on the day they met. He could feel Potter's eyes on him, so he looked back up and met the other's gaze. ” “You never did answer my question. Aug 5, 2021 · Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or have anything to do with the Potter Universe . Dumbledore called out "come in" As Harry stepped in he saw Potter's and Longbottom's. Ironclaw and Lucius agreed to hold off on pressing charges as Dumbledore had too much power. By Rita Skeeter. " She walked out. He hadn't even noticed the man sitting at the head table. Daphne had obviously not been there, it was relayed by her best friend, Tracey Davis. "Oh, shut up," said Harry, giving Ron a playful shove. The meeting could now begin. Out stepped Albus Dumbledore followed by Severus Snape. " Amelia ended the last of the trials with three knocks with the gavel. Sir. The two talked quietly for the rest of their visit, "Narcissa really has changed. Harry tossed a parchment with a note on it, written in a loopy hand. If The Great Harry Potter wants a secret place, then the Room will be a secret place! "Oh. I Refuse to Be a Freak. Harry told Hermione he was done sticking his neck out. "Ah, it seems you've all come to an inaccurate conclusion. He would stick to his studies with examination time imminent. Magic washed over the room, turning his demand into truth. " "Oh, I have you this time, Potter! He could bear it. "Thank you, Dobby. "I will not tolerate insolence in this classroom! This is one of the few classes that still has corporal punishment for unrepentant students who refuse to follow directions. But what he did not expect, was the thirteen-year-old boy to burst out laughing. With a soft sigh, Dumbledore began to speak. The boa hissed into Dumbledore's suffused countenance, *You'll make a fine snack before Brazil!* 4. " Colin looked like he was about to argue that there was no such thing for the great Harry Potter, but Neville went on, ignoring him as he lowered another finger. Harry Potter, son of James and Lily Potter, the Saviour of the Wizarding World, had just refused magic. Disclaimer- This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Harry Potter world, which is trademarked by J. I'm sure, his Head of House is thanking him right now, for giving him a petty reason to torment James Potter, son. Dumbledore didn't make any effort to hide his triumphant expression as he shouted. Jun 27, 2022 · Dumbledore wasn't happy with the way he had left Britain without telling anyone, believing that Harry was just acting childish and not listening to his word, but if the old wizard thought for one moment he was going to just stay inside a house for a month with people who hated and feared him because he was a wizard, then he was more delusional Since he couldn't bring himself to kill Tom Riddle, Albus couldn't imagine any circumstances that would see him deliberately killing Harry Potter. Harry told Dan, Hermione was perfectly safe at the Pottery. His mind was still reeling over Dumbledore's insinuation. Harry started writing slower and much lighter as he thought this through. Jun 18, 2007 · Harry Albus Potter Dumbledore is a fanfiction author that has written 10 stories for Gilligan's Island, Lazytown, Henry Danger, Twilight, Sorcerer's Apprentice, 2010, Batman, Spider-Man, and Avengers. Time And Finally, to Harry Potter, I grant ownership of Grimmauld Place and everything contained within, as long as he agrees to certain conditions, given separate. "I'm managing," he answered simply, ignoring the headmaster's coaxing tone. I tell my elf to keep the food fresh and head upstairs, to the same bedroom we arrived in almost 3 weeks ago. REPOSTED to fix errors! The Triwizard Tournament brings loneliness and isolation for an angry and disillusioned Harry Chapter Sixteen - Dumbledore's Second Bad Day (Part 1) # # # After training the next morning, the Monday before the great Harry Potter 'reveal' in Diagon Alley, Harry brought Hermione and Dan back to the Pottery. The last four months have been wonderful. Yesterday, in a ceremony conducted in Hogwarts' Great Hall, Harry James Potter married Dolores Jane Apr 21, 2012 · When the time comes, Harry Potter is ready to die. Albus Dumbledore tells him the truth a day before it happens. Apr 11, 2023 · Harry confronts the order- one shot (ish) Almost everyone had arrived for the order meeting; they were just waiting on Dumbledore and Snape. "It was just curiosity," the teen said with a smile. So many times that they were just a hair breath away, you know they wanted to kiss. Dumbledore shot him a look and quietly muttered, “45 points to Gryffindor. Krum became betrothed during the Triwizard, and this reporter speculates that it was to protect their friends from the machinations of Dumbledore and the death eater he employed, who set up the kidnapping of Lord Potter. He settled into the visitor's chair, posture measured. "If you're not Harry Potter, then who are you?" Dumbledore asked, having moved to stand in front of all his people like a living shield. He had to find Harry and convince him that Tom was indeed the dark lord of the prophecy. "Any last words Lord Potter?" Harry smiled at her. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Chapters: 2 - Words: 8,266 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 56 - Follows: 82 - Published: 11/13/2016 - id: 12231139 "Enough of this banter. The Order of the Phoenix, Fudge, and a chained Percy Weasley sat in Albus Dumbledores' office. Albus was unable to process what had just happened. The Headmaster is handling the situation. You seem to believe I'm Harry Potter brought back to life. Aug 18, 2011 · Harry didn't move. "Mrs. Eyes twinkling, Dumbledore moved to place the portkey in Harry's hand. Harry "But she's carving my hand open every night Professor! Surely something can be done?" Harry exclaimed "I'm sorry Mr Potter" Professor McGonagall replied "but my hands are tied here. He was hollow, an empty shell, devoid of any sort of happiness or joy, just sitting there as houses whizzed by. Rowling. " Harry grabbed his trunk as he prepared to Albus Dumbledore is deemed the strongest wizard of all time. Harry Potter couldn't help grinning as he thought about how easy it was to sneak away from Privet drive and get to Grimmauld place, with the help of his godfather. "Headmaster, I said no, and I will say it again if you didn't hear it the first time. "Excuse me, Harry?" Dumbledore said genially. Dumbledore started "Harry, my boy you will need to go back to potters. To what do I owe this unexpected The Problem with Dumbledore. With that thought, he sunk into oblivion. Harry is my intended, not that little shrew Ginny. In most fics I’ve read at the end of the year Harry asks Dumbledore if he has to go back to the Dursley’s for the summer, thing is, I never understood why ha needs Dumbledore’s permission. The House Elf confirms this, but also tells me that, while Harry is awake, he refuses to leave his bed. Sep 3, 2018 · The show trial that Harry had been subjected to had changed his emotional state in a hurry, however; between that power-mad pink fatso trying to get Harry expelled and Dumbledore's complete lack of support, Harry had switched from depressed apathy to roiling rage. Consider it an old man's last wish. "My fault! This is the fault of that blasted Harry Potter!" Remus and the Golden Trio head to a secret location for training after Harry puts his foot down with Dumbledore and takes over managing his life and ensuring his future. He did not hate his muggleborn students and he was not plotting to take over the magical world. Rowling, not me. All three of them had already heard the words as Dumbledore had shared it with Harry a week prior and Harry shared it with Sirius the next day, but hearing it again seemed to confirm it, to make it all more real. As the clock chimed 7, the fireplace roared to life. Harry is still in bed and his back is turned to the door. Andi will send the Black and Potter elves to help. -8-Angrily pacing the Room of Requirement - finding the room in his first year had given him a sanctuary - which was configured into a small house, but much more airy and more spacious and more comfortably cosy than the cold, effeminate dolls house the Dursleys favoured, Harry Potter could honestly never believe he could be this pissed off. My family will have you, the Weasley parents and this jezebel in Azkaban for ten years for this attempt at line-theft. They stared at each other for a moment before something shifted in Potter's eyes and then he dropped his "Master Harry Potter says you can stay here for as long as you like. Daphne's anger sparked her magic and destroyed more items in Dumbledore's office that Harry hadn't already demolished. Will Harry be able to avoid the trap set by the aged wizard? Apr 8, 2017 · Harry Potter, could have been a Snake if not for the arrogant idiot named Draco Malfoy who couldn't act, to save his life. He was not actively seeking the death of Harry Potter nor was he testing him. Now, he returns to Hogwarts a changed person. Was Hermione really gone? In a show of false compassion, Dumbledore Apr 1, 2023 · Harry Sorts Out the Past (19. Two days later Harry went to Dumbledore's office and knocked the door. Owls don't make mistakes. This story is just a castle built in the clouds for some enjoyment of readers. Shocked at such a blatant attack from Dumbledore, Lucius hastily threw up his Occlumency shields (though he was certainly no expert in the field). The answer is no, Headmaster. "The Second Champion for Hogwarts is Harry Potter!" Severus watched Dumbledore and seen him staring at Harry. Rowling's story canon (which is far better than anything I could write). Dumbledore used this image to keep Harry Potter connected to the James and Lily's death. Signed, Harry just watched as the Aurors and Dumbledore escorted Hermione out of Gryffindor. Potter. Remus looked straight back with a smirk and a very slight brief nod. He knew Dumbledore had tried to force Harry into Gryffindor, as his face when the Sorting Hat shouted Slytherin alerted him to that. "I'm sorry you came all the way here," Harry said, "but I'm not going anywhere with you. Please Severus, do this for me. It is all owned by the awesome J. "You are charged with treason against the British Magical Nation. If this wasn't enough Harry is targeted for an assassination. "I assume we are here for the same reason as Mr. Harry looked at Lucius, back to the parchment. Harry Potter is broken after the battle in the DOM and figures out how Dumbledore has been manipulating his life when he hears the prophecy. "Heir Potter, I would suggest you go to Gringotts and discover what is going on with your accounts. And when I open the door, which is already ajar, I see that Dobby is right. K. HARRY POTTER MARRIED OFF TO FORMER HOGWARTS INQUISITOR. "And you didn't answer my question. So whatever they did on the train failed. Harry's gaze was a mirror of the cold mask that he had had on the train when he was contemplating the best way to hurt Draco. Just watching him throwing more fire spells, then the next, as if it were nothing taking each of the undead down. He was ready to wandlessly stun her and turn her over to Dumbledore but he was thinking his actions against her could land him in hot water with the Ministry of Magic. Sep 27, 2021 · A few seconds later Dumbledore left the infirmary shortly followed by a black shaggy dog. Jan 15, 2025 · Harry's outward calm never wavered. "Daphne, I'm sorry. Potter," replied Narcissa coolly. " Mar 4, 2023 · Harry will do whatever he can to prove that his world, the mundane world is better than the wizarding world. Dumbledore Answers Harry – Chapter 5 –Sirius Situations "Hello, Harry," came the cheerful voice of Dumbledore from behind his desk as Harry entered his office. cnpt byg hoquft mxqrpw lrhtyn vzlmrqm guzfhb tgihu uspej xzcv ioxm wkxha gmfhb tcpwh qiocbg