Fralin vs lollar. I love my Fralin Jazz.

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Fralin vs lollar. Gold Supporting Member.

Fralin vs lollar Jason Lollar had a blog post about creating his pickups and trying repeatedly to nail the sound of a '59 Jazzmaster - ultimately what it came down to for him was swapping out the 1 meg linear pots to 250k taper and that brought all the woodiness he was looking for. May 16, 2017 #11 ; El Tele Lobo Poster Extraordinaire. Amplite Member. Ellis vs. 1k Members; Posted January 10, 2009. Re: P90s Lollar or Fralin? I'm sure Duncan makes something that will float your boat, and if not, Jon at www. I've been looking at the Barden Danny Gatton set, Fralin Twin Blades, Lollar Special and Vintage Ts, and Bill Lawrence pickups. Lollar 52 vs Seymour Duncan Donahue & Alnico II Pro (A2 Telecaster Bridge Pickup Shootout) 1 guitar. 5k-7. It has a tad more of that '60s twangy character than the BKP Flat '50 (or the Fender Twisted Tele bridge), but it's also got a lot of that midrange-focused Broadcaster flavor. Joined Jun 1, 2011 Messages 13,017 Reaction score 33,724. bulletproof aka tarddoggy. Hecube Senior Member. Members; DaleH. Novak. Aug 8, 2012 #6 I would go with the Vintage T in the neck. Reactions: Chris Fogaty, Jim W and Nolefinity. Thread starter Jeremy A; Start date Feb 12, 2012; This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links like Ebay, Amazon, and others. Everyone's tastes are different. The differences in He is considering Fralin Humbuckers, Lollar Imperials, Wolftones or WCRs. Joined May 15, 2003 Messages 1,509. J'aime bien mes CS69 et même si je suis pas toujours à 100% satisfait de ces micros, je préfère et je crois que le soucis vient de moi vu ce que je peux entendre sur Youtube comme magnifique son avec le même matos que moi It takes a long time to really get good at winding pickups, to know what materials and winding patterns and whatnot to use to achieve specific sounds, etc. I also have a set of Fralin Pure PAF's in my 335 and they are also fantastic. I ditched the Lollar and went with a Lindy Fralin pickup instead, since I've had good luck with them on other instruments, and it is everything I'd hoped for and more. My conclusion is that it is almost impossible to conclude anything with these A/Bs. lollar,Fralin,fender,rio Grande,nordstrands,seymour, bass 1973 p bass alder/maple. 2% Aero J Bass, Type 1 Votes: 14 11. Not all old P-90s are the same. The Fralin SP43 and SP42 are great sounding pickups, but a bit more of a departure from the classic Tele sound IMO. Jul 23, 2006 724 27 4,571 Vancouver Canada www. Feb 18, 2021 #1 Hi folks! I just had a deal fall through where I was about to purchase a Throbak p90 to replace the The Fralin Noiseless P90's sound a lot like my Lollar P90's, from what you describe (polite). I’m going to show you which pickup would be a good Quasi-scientifically, I compared a H150 with Lollar P90s with a H157 with Fralin P92s. Porter 9T vs. Lollar Imperials - Loved these, and they are the only aftermarket pickup I ever really suggest. Member. Fralins are ok but other winders are Fralin lets you customize your set as far as output calibration goes. 8k each. Jun 26, 2008 My research thus far has lead me to the Lollar Vintage Blonde (special set previously referred to as Dirty Blonde set, with the hotter bridge pickup) set. My preference if for a sound like Gregor Hilden gets Ca peut déjà aider à supprimer ou non le Fralin. I had a set of Lollar Re: SD Antiquity Surfer vs Texas Hot vs Fralin vs ?? Not true. We’ve I own guitars with both Fralin and Lollar Imperial HB's. This is a forum where guitarists, from novice to experienced, can explore the world of guitar through a variety of media and discussion. BK has a good reputation too but I haven't played them extensively. 58 Reviews written 🎧 15 years. I received a set of Fralin WRHB's for Christmas, so I bought this MIM FSR deluxe (in a beautiful Aqua Flake) to drop them into. 11 mensajes • Página . Jess 1971. Both Fralin and Lollar produce great pickups but the Lollar blondes I really like the fender custom shop 69 set. You say Vintage now but in a blind test you may like the more *if you liked this video please consider subscribing*Come join me on:Twitch (fun hangs): https://www. Kyusha Member. wingobingo Member. The Strat coils are taped, the packaging is better. Aero Type 1's seem a little variable - I had one st that was very very good, 1 set that was OK. com/pfg14More info on Lindy Fralin Vintage Hot Tele® pickups here: https://warmot Based on the original 1950s P-90 Staple pickup, our updated version is more articulate than our standard P-90 and produces higher output while maintaining a clear top end. However, with solid-body electric guitars, the wood makes very little impact. Most of it comes down to the pickups. The Lollar Blonde middle pickup nails that Robert Cray tone which is one of my favorite Strat tones . 5k and 11k. I Lollar Blackface in my other strat. Not sure you can go wrong with those or Fralin's. I have a Strat with a set of Fralin vintage wound pickups. Messages 9,727. Flats . 5, 6. I have Hey guys, So I've got 3 P basses, one of them for my punk rock band, another one for my soul/neosoul/pop project, and a 3rd one as backup to either. Messages 1,461. 1961 RI. I'm not after any kind of high gain stacked coil rock pickups. shaskitt; Thread; Feb 22 The Fralin is a good vintage sounding Alnico V pickup with a bump in the mid highs. Another maker to consider is WCR. Messages 6,259. mcdyas. Made the bridge growl, and got some chime back in the neck that is lacking in the stock Gibson 8. Messages 364. I always bumped up the bridge ouput and lowered the neck output. Would be nice to have something that isn't super clean, sounds defined and articulate, and grinds when pushed, but not at the expense of losing the character of the guitar, if any of that makes sense! Having owned and played all the pickups Mentioned, My Verdict is that while Throbak makes great PAF's Their P90's while still being great pickups are Not any better then Lollar or wolftones or fralin its really a preference thing. I have a couple of old, vintage (mid 60's) Fender Jaguar pickups and an old (mid 60's) Gibson dogear pickup that I might Amp - 1965 Fender Band-MasterGuitars- 2017 Custom Shop Telecaster - Lollar Special T pickups - Alder BodyAliCat Parts Caster - 2017 Real Life Relics Alde Great customer love and service from both Fralin and Lollar. Special Sixty-Four Set: This is one of our most popular Strat sets. More to come!Fralin Pure PAF set played next to the Lollar Imperial. I want to install some pickups that Pastillas jess loureiro vs lollar o fralin??? Mensaje por superglide » Jue May 02, 2013 3:24 pm. It is a subjective thing. DaleH. I think it helps hear the dynamics of the JM-V and the spectra of the JM-Fat pretty well. Lindy Fralin P-90 in a Humbucker Cover Set Although Lindy Fralin's P-90 in a Humbucker Cover sets aren't as popular as the hum-cancelling Fralin P-92 sets discussed below, they're some of the most musically pleasing So, I have two Precisions, both with maple necks and rosewood boards, and both wired the same. I've seen posts about the Lollar Imperial Low Wind, a few about the Duncan Jazz, and now the Fralin P-92 that is a humbucker meant to sound like a P-90. There’s a lot to say about pickup materials and how they See more Lollar is more professional, IMO. They're all great in their own right, but there's something special about the Wolfetone Meaner 90 in my Daylighter Junior. Still very "Fender"-ish but more defined, with very even string-to-string balance and a bit more output than the stock pickups. It a combination of a Lollar Special (approaching a P-90) and Lollar vintage tele. Messages 885. 1; 2; Next. It’s the sound and the response I get from my band. 8) and Fralin (Vintage Hot 6, 6, 6. Rio Grande Dirty Harry. Feb 12, 2012 #1 I am going to buy a Fender American Standard Strat soon. - Lollar vintage T Thank you for your help! K. woolysock. 1% Fender Custom Shop 60's Votes: 20 15. I own the Wofetone Legends, older Fralin 8/9 K's, some D'Allen Dirty Cats and Bare Knuckle Mules. 1 of 2 Go to page. I love my Fralin Jazz. Supporting Member. More to come!Lollar Imperials played next too the Low Wind ImperialsImperia fujigen oesのフロントピックアップ比較動画です。ハイセンスな方の好みがわかれそうなピックアップですね。#fujigen #LINDY FRALIN #SUHR 🛑 Better results with Headphones / Earphones / Studio Monitors 🛑 Lollar “'50s Wind”(Alnico 2) Fralin “Stock” (Alnico 4) Seymour Right now I'm stuck between buying the Lindy Fralin Vintage Hot's vs the Real 54's. Here you go. I get the feeling that Fralin is a great sounding pick too, but for a real vintage vibe Lollar sounds better in my opinion. Jan 15, 2010 #10 I second the Lollar Dirty Blondes. For help with setups and other technical issues. I’d say the Fralins are the brightest/twangiest set of the 3 - I have those in my fender custom shop 57 reissue with an alder body and maple V neck to go for that 50s vibe. Much like Seymour Duncan, these days both Lollar & Lollar vs. I would go with the lollar Blonde which are closer to Fralin Vintage Hots then they are Fralin Real 54. Seems as though every guitar needs a tailored approach when selecting pickups. Thread starter AndyKirby; Start date Feb 18, 2021; This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links like Ebay, Amazon, and others. Stone Rock Star. 0K P90s. 26th January 2023 #19. According to our Best Strat Pickups shootout, boutique winders Virgil Arlo & Ron Ellis are at the top of the list for great Strat tone. Messages 717. Messages 6,283. And it’s not me falling for voodoo. More info on Lindy Fralin Blues Special Tele® pickups here: https://warmoth. I installed the Fralin regular wind humcancelling P90s in my R4 goldtop tonight, replacing the Lollar P90s. Jun 7, 2010 #34 Jun 7, 2010 Lollar or Fralin? Thread starter wingobingo; Start date Oct 1, 2013; This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links like Ebay, Amazon, and others. tonefordays. Messages 14. Lollar vs. kodiakblair. I had an Duncan Alnico II and went to a Lollar Blonde and there was quite a diffence both in tone and noise level. The SPB-1 has a throaty tone that cuts through. twitch. I own Lollar Blackfaces in a Warmoth Strat and I LOVE them. You can get both tones by using a push-pull switch. O For example, the Lollar set sounded too bright to me, but with the amp tone dialed down maybe they would sound better than the others. Johnny the stratman Senior Member. The stock P-90's in the Hamer Special are overwound and won't clean up enough, and don't have enough string definition when overdriven. Thread starter nathanteal; Start date May 13, 2017; This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links like Ebay, Amazon, and others. H. Pure PAFs are built to look like the real Leave a comment on which you prefer and SUBSCRIBE if you like this type of thing. I have a Gibson Les Paul Special with P90’s, an Epiphone USA Casino, a Epiphone Revolution Casino, a 50th Anniv. They sound a little TOO fat with overdrive to my ears, but the fact that I use 11's could exacerbate this. I've had a couple sets differently wound Fralin soapbars in various PRS guitars and found them to be kinda tame BUT exceptionally sweet sounding. 10 posts • Page 1 of 1. I drifted away from these forums and spent some quality time in the Gibson camp then came back to Fenders a few years ago. I'm sure Wolfe's are great, too. I found them to be pretty dull. 24 posts Previous; 1; 2; blacktiger PAT. Fralin Noiseless P90's: A very smooth, sweet and "polite" sounding pickup. The Suhr pickups are fab, I like some of the Harmonic Design models, Pete Biltoff (sp?)at Vintage Vibe, even D'Marzio ,Sheptone. They’ve both been making great pickups for years. I've had excellent communication with Fralin, Porter, and Righteous Sounds among others over the years and have been able to get what I wanted for each of the guitars Wolfetone Marshallhead Bridge position Arcane Brownbucker Bridge - Rob's pickups are unreal across his whole linewhich is something not everyone can say. fralinpickups. Mar 21, 2021 #5 ; Chiogtr4x Doctor of Teleocity. Those guys are all over fralin/fender/lollar single coil pickups. The Lollar was much rounder sounding and I know this isn't going to be very helpful, but this whole question of Lollar vs. Thread starter toniwonkanobi; Start date Nov 16, 2009; Which pickup for my '62 Reissue Jazz? Nordstrand NJ4 Votes: 38 30. Had that combo in a mexi that sounded just Here’s a pickup comparison with the PRS Silver Sky 635JM’s, Lindy Fralin Vintage Hots, and Lollar Blondes. Jun 3, 2023 #2 lindy fralin's vintage hot tele pickups . # 2. The 54s just right for lead or rhythm and working in the mix with a band in the studio or live. -, 视频播放量 3722、弹幕量 1、点赞数 27、投硬币枚数 9、收藏人数 9、转发人数 3, 视频作者 kavenkhl, 作者简介 郑州大学计算机专业本硕 在读研究生 业余吉他爱好者,相关视频:【搬运】Lollar Blackface I think the Lollar Special will come closer to retaining the basic Tele character with a fatter midrange, still sounds like a Tele to me. These are 2 very high quality options that stand above most the rest, but what you're looking for in a pickup is so The Fralin Blues model pickups will give you a smoother response on the high strings, but you will sacrifice some note clarity at clean settings. Reactions: antennahead. link/BestEditor Lollar Imperials Gibson '57 Burstbucker Burstbucker Pro Custom Humbucker Wound by Nick Sorenson of Rocketfire Onamac TopShelf 59 Fralin Pure PAF Wolfetone Dr Vintage Wolfetone Legend PRS 58/08 Every single one of these will put you in the "neighborhood" of PAF tones, to varying degrees. It came with CS 60’s Pups which where around 5. 2k Members Brad Whitford's tech swears by Lollar's P90s. Had a set of Lollar Tweeds, Blondes and O. They don’t begin to shine until they are played through an amp with some volume and at least one 12” speaker. Messages 9,725. 972. Responder. 4, 6. Ad Free Member. Fralin P90's (which comes up repetitively) is like asking somebody if they prefer chocolate or vanilla ice cream. Gold Supporting Member. A. Building a tele and am stuck between these two sets, would love opinions from anyone who has played both! Great to know Fralin support is top notch though! Important to me for sure. I've used Gibson (p100s), Fralin, Lollar, Seymour Duncan Antiquities, and a Wolfetone Meaner 90. My pick is Pete Biltoft's JBX4 set. Jun 3, Check out this vid using a Lollar Tele "tap" bridge pickup and a Lollar mini humbucker. com/product-category/guitar-pickups/p90-pickups/2 Hum-canceling pickups from Fralin with a P90 For my Teles, Fralin's stock (but would love Lollar special in the bridge) and for Humbuckers Lollar Low Wind Imperials and Tom Short Marc Ford Tombuckers. V. Aero vs. The Lollars are the best overall pickup I've ever found -- very sweet clean and really great I've owned a Lollar Blonde neck pickup before and loved it, and I currently have Fralin Blues Specials installed in a custom Tele, and love 'em Now I'm doing a custom Strat-style build with a neck/middle single-coil pickup configuration (no bridge PU), and I'm trying to decide between the two brands! NJ4 vs. I'm going between Fralin's jazz pups and either of the Nordtrand hum-cancelling ones (I think the NJ4SEs are supposed to be a little more aggressive but with some muted highs) thoughts? Fender or Lollar pepito666; Mar 12, 2025; Pickups & Electronics [BG] 2. MyCloud9 said: I have some Kinman P90's on order and am looking forward to comparing them to the Fralins. The Are Fralin's more 'old school' sounding? I'm looking for a set that give a more 'authentic' sound than the very hot (12k) pickups. Jan 23, 2011 #58 Yes they are worth it. Jan 30, 2019 #21 bp-plickner said: There’s no swearing here. Fralin's stock wind was harsh, a slight overwind more pleasing to my ear at least. Lollar vs Fralin Vs Antiquities Help! Thread starter jjboogie; Start date Aug 26, 2013; This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links like Ebay, Amazon, and others. Complex, fat, and musical. CS60 vs. Post by blacktiger » Wed Oct 10, 2007 6:47 pm Fralin used to make a HB-sized P-90 only on requested, but they were labor intensive and he decided to do away with them. Messages 1,314. You should know where I'm coming from. Strings. It sounds sweet on high end while the Fralin was harsh, Lollar bottom end Other than Seymour Duncan, Lollar & Fralin are the biggest names in the business. Both guitars were maxed out on the pots. 923 Posts: 4142 Joined: Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:05 am Location: banned in DC. 8k in the neck and 8k-8. Oct 1, 2013 #1 I've heard awesome things about Lollar Blackface, Fralin Vintage Hot pups. Members; 14. iplayed by naoto tada不動のヴィンテージ系ピックアップ、lindy fralinと Was curious to try a new pickup in my precision bass so I thought I'd make a comparison video. Lollar calls it a Broadcaster, but to me it registered more like an aggressive, overwound '60s style bridge. The Fralin are the best clean humbucker I've ever heard. Just wondering if anyone has tried this kind of boutique pickup (Klein, Lollar etc) and more traditional pups (SSL-1, Fat 50s etc)? If so - how do you think they compare? Are they worth the extra money? I realise this is all opinion! Reactions: Nigel Davenport. I showed back up in these forums and discovered people talking about Rumpelstiltskin and OC Duff. Something boutique, vintage to a vintage/modern kind of vibe, and quality. Sure, tonewoods make a big difference on acoustic instruments. Not in the same class as Fralin, Lollar, etc, though. Having had all those, and several others as well - my personal choice is Vintage Vibe. I gave serious thought to putting Fralin Jazzmaster pickups in it but I'm Here's a tone comparison video (a comparison, not a competition) of me jamming over a few different styles and techniques/articulations to see how the Fralin Monty's and Lollar. Lollars V. Reply reply More replies. They are detailed and articulate but there's something about them that bothers me. P. C. Posted January 10, 2009. All that being said many people love that pickup. Vendor. Fralin, Porter, or Lollar IMO not necessarily in that order (can't go wrong with any of them). Jeremy A Member. AndyKirby Member. 4k in the bridge, these humbuckers use alnico 2 magnets to soften the treble and smooth the grind. [Discussion] Strat pick ups Fralin or Lollar? I need to replace the pickups in my Ibanez stratocaster (1983 roadstar II), and I'm looking for the internet's opinion. If I was building another strat it would be fralin blues specials with bass plate. Reactions: ReddRanger, Mikewestbelgium, blacksoultyler and 1 other person. Fralin Mine is quite specific. Love Includes a paid promotionhttps://www. Hola, he visto estas pastis de jess para jb y de precio andan de puta madre y por lo que veo usa técnicas similares a lollar o fralin. Love the sound of my stock Muddy pups and the CS nocasters I put in the 50's classic. Buscar Búsqueda avanzada. Cavalier. I am interested in P90s (and possibly replacement strats), and would like to know what people think about Fralins v. Lollar actually constructs his P90s differently. The Lollar is wound to 11k; the Fralin is somewhere between 10. It includes our Sixty-Four Strat pickups for neck and middle positions, with our Special S Series® pickup for the bridge. Jan 23, 2011 #59 I'm looking at a set of new pups for my LP Studio. jamison162 Orange Master Posts: 1560 Joined: Tue Jun 27, 2006 5:03 am Location: USA. I wish that they would feel a bit more loose. I've basically narrowed my search down to Lollar (Vintage Blackface 6. The Lollar is definitely more sensitive and reports the instruments acoustic sound better (as well as capable of more output generally speaking), but the Fralin has more of a consistent 'tone' bass-to-bass I can't say I've tried Lollar pickups but I have a Fralin J set in my Lull Vintage 4 and a Fralin P in an American Standard Precision and both sound absolutely mind-blowing. But my question is which do you prefer? I play mostly Rock, Blues, Funk. Same goes for OEM pups vs a nice set from a reputable builder. But which of t Howdy all, my first post here. Style jazz,funk,hard rock,blues. Fralin and Lollar were on top for a time. Gear Guru Joined: May 2009. It was as if Fralin and Lollar were so "2005". Re: P90 (Fralin vs Lollar vs SD vs Gibson) I've tried original LP Junior and LP Specials with original Gibson P90s and plenty of reissues with various P90s and my favorite is definitely the lollars, even over the originals. Recorded into Ableton (which explains the latency) using the NeuralDSP Hi all, I'm building a warmoth alder body strat and I'm researching pickups. The main difference I notice between the SPB-1 and Fralin normal wound pickups is the SPB-1 has slightly less lows with more highs, the upper mids are brighter. I love my Don Mare pickups - amazing! Seymour Duncan makes wonderful Tele pickups, as does Fred Stuart. Duffs Traditionals before too. Lindy Fralin vs. You get a fiber board guitar pick that has Lollar etched into it. I prefer Lollar in Strats, Jags, and Jazzmasters, but Fralin for Teles and Mustangs. Reply reply I’ve got Lollar dirty blondes in my Ron Kirn Strat. Thanks for your help. I have available a pair of Lollar Imperials regular neck and high wind bridge. Mar 4, 2023 #14 I have Lollar blackface, Fralin VH, and Seymour Duncan antiquity surfers. I have had one experience with each, and both very good: The Fralin Vintages may have fixed that but I ended up with Budz and am really liking them. Thread starter TeleAndSG; Start date May 13, 2017; I think one of the best sounding set ups I ever had was a Fralin P92 in the neck and a HD S90 in the bridge. Thread starter bassmannlespaulman; Start date Jan 24, 2019; Prev. p90 lollar vs. Mar 9, 2015 #2 Mar 9, 2015 #2 Which Seymour? They make five different P bass pickups Those are some nice sounding pickups. Although, the Duncan custom shop can make you some p-90 stacks to your exact specs too, and a big plus is that they'll be Lollar Special-T bridge -- OK this is an interesting one. Moderator: bclaire. Lollar J Street vs. J. You could also check out the Fender CS Fat 50s. Thread starter davidfong22; Start date Aug 19, 2010; I had a set of Fralin Vintage Hots in my Fender Japan '57 Vintage Special years ago. I think that the lollars are pretty amamazing! Just got a MIM standard tele and I'm very happy with it but of course I need to do the standard pup upgrade. His standard pricing is comparable to the off the shelf brands, but his pickups are right up there with Fralin and Lollar for boutique custom wound quality. I like the Lollar and Fralin bridge pick ups better than what I heard from the '60 HF from Bareknuckle. Much better string separation than the stock pickups but just too Sound Comparative P Bass PickupsStock vs Lollar OverwoundSquier Classic Vibe Precision Bass with Sadowsky Nickel Black Label Strings I was drawn to Lollar Imperials based on listening to Collings City Limits, but they might be bit on the jazzy side for me, although very full and rich. Post by jamison162 » Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:51 pm Fralin Steel Pole 43 vs. Nov 13, 2003 #17 Fralin lets you customize your set as far as output calibration goes. Jason Lollar. One has a Lollar pickup, and the other has a Lindy Fralin. But the bridge pickup in just about every CS fender set leaves more to be desired I don’t think I’ll ever own a strat without putting a Seymour Duncan SSL5 in the bridge I love the Lollars - I have Fralin Blues Specials and Vintage Hots that are wonderful. I like them all! P90’s are my favorite Pickups. The Purple Limelight goes on a Nordy P blade for the dirty punk rock tones The Olympic white Limelight goes on a Bare Knuckle '58 as backup bass tha Welcome to r/guitar, a community devoted to the exchange of guitar related information. I just bought a new old stock Hamer Newport, a one off made for an artist that has a solid maple cap instead of the usual spruce. Sinon je ne peux pas t'aider. I like late fifties type strat pick ups better then mid 50s pups as I like the extra output and warmth over the lower output of the 54 type pups. #pb #pickupslindy fralin p-basslollar pickups p-bass(standard)bass:1975 fender precisiondi:tdc-you bass d. Oct 31, 2006 #5 Tripower455 New member. Been e-mailing with Hi! Just wanted to know the pros and cons for either of these boutique pickups! I’ve been looking at the vintage/PAF style humbuckers for both Jason Lollar is a bona fide pickup genius, and his take on the classic ’50s Tele sound is represented here with a pronounced mid and bass response along with a smoother 1st post - Considering BK, Lollar or Fralin P-90s « Reply #4 on: July 29, 2007, 06:50:31 PM » the thing to remember is that the stacked p-90's you have cannot be compared directly with normal P-90's tone wise - even with one coil going straight to ground. Lindy Fralin makes THE BEST telecaster pickups hands down of any company out there in my opinion - especially if you like your bridge HOT. I. A Lindy Fralin original design! The Big Single is a Humbucker that has a big, round single-coil sound with no hum. Messages 2,782. The Duncan’s don’t have that top end super brightness and twang that the Fralins have. New pickup (c Seymour Duncan Antiquity p90 / Fralin p90 / Lollar p90. Antiquities are goodas are the DiMarzio 36th anniv (although you have to get vintage bobbinsworth a phone call) Lollar low Lollar Blackface vs Fralin Vintage Hots for Strat. the winding varies (often depending on the model guitar the pickup was built for, and AT LEAST two different magnet I know, I know - impossible to answer But for lack of YouTube videos, I'm trying to get some anecdotal feedback from Lollar and/or Fralin owners. Next Last. I've gone thru the other threads and talked to several guitarists, but need advice on narrowing my choices among Fralin, Kinman, Suhr or Lollar and specifically which one from each manufacturer. 6 across the board), which are great pickup The next thing is buy a set of Fralin real 54s and you will be happy the rest of your life. fralin lollar Replies: 30; Forum: Effects, Pedals, Strings & Things; Strat Pick-ups Low vs High Output? Im really struggling with my search for a set of pick ups on my CS Journeyman 1963 Strat. But the strings were different. In that genre, I personally prefer Lollar or even Aguilar. Go. I used two amps, a tube and a solid state, with the same settings. It makes it cut through the mix, however, it drives some people crazy because once you hear it you ear gets fixated on it. K-Line. These sound more polished and compressed. Which one will have the bes Hi - Lollar and Fralin are both great options if money is no object. Right now my pickups (fender SCN noiseless) simply sound like ass. Wolftones. , and you're paying an actual expert who's put years of their life into learning how to do that to make you a pickup (another example, one of my friends who winds his own pickups spent an Edited by YouCut:https://youcutapp. Looking for some solid reviews on p bass pickups. Replies 22 Views 539. BKP, Wolfetone, Ron Ellis, Fralin, SD Antiquity, etc etc. You can order the bridge 5% hotter and the neck 5% less hot for no extra cost from Lindy Fralin. I'm googling Lollars, Lindy Fralin, Don Mare and Lundgrens. I'm torn between Fralin 9k/8k and Lollar Imperials. Match up with his PAFthat would probably be the route I would take. Guitar: Nash Telecaster, Alder Body, Rosewood FretboardAmp: 1965 Fender Band-MasterPedal: AnalogMan Prince of ToneInterface: Universal Audio Volt 476PDAW: Cu Curtis Novak vs. They are remarkably better than the CS pick ups. My current strat has a set of Fender CS 57/62 reissues (5. Both kick ass, though. The blues specials are too dark, the vintage hot to dark. Arlo – Strat Pickup Poll Live. Cost is not a consideration. Messages 493. if you're not already familiar, we have a fellow forum member (Norcal_GIT_r) who is a custom pickup winder. My original pickup was a Fender Pure Vintage '63. Posts: 32,292 My Studio. M. Edit: Update - I went with Lollar based on most recommendations being equal and Jimmy Herring I've heard uses Lollars, and I love his tones. com. com will wind 'em to your exact specs for a pretty reasonable price, and he uses top quality materials to boot. May 13, 2017 #1 ; In recent months I've become a Lollar fan, but after using both Fralin's and Lollar's - I'd agree that they are more similar than different. Am now entering the market for a set of soapbars to replace the Duncans in my newly acquired 2005 McCarty. Quick shootout of 3 different Tele bridge pickupsTobaccoburst - Texas SpecialRed - 51 NocasterBlack - Lollar Special TCoiled cable straight into Vibrolux Reverb LOLLAR Imperial The unbalanced-coil Imperials were designed to provide airy top end, tight lows, balanced midrange, and complex overtones. On a tele, from my experience, you decide if you want the snap of maple or the warmth of rosewood on the neck & board Fralin Pure PAF - Didn't like them, they sounded most similar to 57 classics. May 21, 2008 4,155 3,007 4,993 Napa, California. Seriously, there are too many good ones when it comes to P pickups. I just sold the Texas Specials from my Fender MIA 2003 Strat and I'm thinking of Fralin vs wolfetone vs lollar p90s. Re: Curtis Novak vs. It’s beefier than our Twangmaster but cleaner and more articulate than our Hey guys, I have a 70s American-made Strat and I'm looking for new pickups for strictly studio recording. Wondering if someone could help me identify these WRHB's. This! Paging @John_E. Made the bridge growl, and got The Lollar, Imperial buckers sounded more open, three dimesional and had more attack than the fralin buck. The non-adjustable beveled pole pieces allow for direct drop-in replacement for nearly any soapbar P-90 without any instrument modification needed. John Eppstein. Reactions: V|J, la szum, Deadpan and 1 other person. 1; 2; First Prev 2 of 2 Go to page. woolysock. The Sixty-Four pickups are one of our most versatile Lindy Fralin P-90 in my Godin CT classic EMG 81/60 in my LTD EC-1000 Deluxe SD Hotrails bridge Pup in my Charvel DK22 ProMod Excellent quality especially K Line stuff which is right up with Lollar. I love the neck pick up from Bareknuckle though. One set would be the Klein 59's. No matter how stubborn your bass guitar, electric guitar, or steel guitar is, these pickups know how to give a proper treatment to your guitar and pull out a healing So, if you want classic tones, Loallr and Fralin are much more to taste. Fralins come in a cheesy Lollar and Fralin are no different than those pickups. LINDY FRALIN Pure PAF Wound at 7. Share Reply Quote. Pickups & Electronics [BG] Mar 12, 2025. Members; jhall. To my ears the Fralin HC P90s sound more like a PAF-type pup than a P90. I'm thinking of going even further this I can't say they're better than Lollar or Fralin versions, because I haven't had personal experience with them, but they are superb. I play mostly funk, rock, and metal. Again, not too hot so you can get funky or clean, but they are just voiced right. It will balance better. Alguien ha probado ambas para comparar? Estoy muy decantado hacia lollar pero las de jess son la mitad y así It balances well with Lollar's Tele Charlie Christian in my Tele - I use serial and parallel positions a lot, and both sound great. I liked them but found them to be a little low output in a live setting but I’m now thinking Lindy Fralin P Bass normal wind - a perfect P bass sound. Leave a comment on which you prefer and SUBSCRIBE if you like this type of thing. I believe Wolfe winds a special recipe specifically for the Daylighters, but I could be wrong on that. I'd put them somewhere between T-types and Custombuckers as far as how they sound. page. Joined Oct 21, 2014 Fralin Blues Special vs Lollar Special T . Joined Mar 29, 2007 Posts 19,160 Location Manassas Park, VA. Unfortunately I'm just one guy with limited funds and time, I dropped over $1500 myself on pickups to do this and the ones I didn't buy were loaned Get the Fralin and don’t look back. Fralin Tele Pickups? Orange Amps General Forum. 8). Lollar Special S Series vs Fralin Blues Specials Pickups. Neck traditional, middle blues and the bridge wound hot. I'd prefer something in the front that gets a punchy cool blues tone or something more usable that the '59, which is strat元年拾音器中,著名的有老太太、fender cs、lindy fralin、lollar等等,且看一下lindy fralin对于元年strat拾音器的理解。, 视频播放量 2032、弹幕量 0、点赞数 5、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 10、转发 Curtis Novak vs. Last edited: Mar 4, 2023. Virgil Arlo 38% 281 / 729 Ron Ellis 24% 182 / 729 Lindy Fralin 19% 143 / 729 Jason Lollar 16% 123 / 729 Via WP Poll & Voting System. Either Lollar or Fralin, or Aero or Vintage Vibe can give you that. I've read through all the stuff on his site about pickups. Seymour Duncan does offer vintage, but that ones that compare to Fralin and Lollar are their Antiquity I have a Fralin vintage hot set stuffed in a drawer somewhere. Also dig the vintage strat pups made by Porter, but I'm not familiar with their PAFs. But I'll check into the Supro one too (I saw it on Lollar's site, but $250 is real steep), and try to find some sound samples of it dirty. Lindy Fralin. 9% Lollar Votes: 22 17. p90 fralin. Members; 5. 5% Fralin I've owned Fralin Strat pickups before, and while I liked the bridge pickup with the steel base plate, the pickups were not that different, nor worth the extra $ over Duncan AlNiCos. jhall. I've found better than the Fralins to my ears. and give a listen to the bridge pick up choices. And pickups are more than just a pile of magnets, metal poles, wire, and plastics. Post by Regan » Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:28 pm Ok, I have never had any pickups rewound before, and I have heard both Curtis and Lindy are good, so how do I decide who to go with. One dealer suggested Fralin Pure PAF, but for then said for splitting that I'd be best off with the Unbucker So, looking for input and open to alternate suggestions as well. Laurent. McNelly vs. I like the sound of the '60 PE J bass pickups they have. tigerwooff Jason Lollar's take on a vintage J is very, very good - more faithful than the Nordstrand IMO. The Fralin pickups, to my ears, create the perfect P bass sound. Last edited: Nov 13, 2003. tv/elliottklein Patreon (lessons and mp3s and pdf The Fralin Big Single Mini offers Single Coil tone, with no hum! Expect clarity with a bold midrange and thick lows, all in a Mini Humbucker size! They are definitely in the ball park of P Comparing my fender custom shop blackguard 50/51 telecaster pickups to a Lollar special T in the bridge and Vintage T neck combo. The chime and open sound and simple beauty of the Lollars as well as the grind is not there. Fralin vs. I won't be using this guitar for playing jazz or as a jack of all trades. fvqqtni okm xbudf ropgz rwewpi cir ruo bjwrbv ccmgg snjnn iolvjxx vpppnd cikpzuf aaf hevbzl