P0402 vw tdi. com is generated by its users.

P0402 vw tdi Anyone know what The fault code I put in my post heading - P0402. TurboABA Top Post Dawg. Termin bei VW und zwei Tage und 1900Eu später war der AGR-Kühler getauscht. I am tempted to just order one up and try it The excessive flow code can be caused by an exhaust restriction like the catalytic converter itself being restricted to where it has to be replaced or an issue with the EGR valve sticking open. I reset the code and it returned after the second start and full warmup. Joined Jul 19, 2019 Location Campbell CA TDI 2011 Golf TDI Jul 23, 2019 #2 (VW speak for DPF) and the aft temp sensor (EXHAUST GAS TEMPERATURE SENSOR CIRCUIT BANK1 SENSOR 4). Joined Dec 10, 2008 Location Houston, Tx TDI Audi TTqTDI, B4V, B5. Ideas? Thread starter harry02; Start date Mar 29, 2009; H. Has anyone experienced this on their VW. Genuine Volkswagen Part - 059906051A (059-906-051-A) parts. Le code d’erreur P0402 signale un débit excessif dans le système EGR et révèle une recirculation des gaz d'échappement supérieure à la normale. 2011) EGR Valve 03L-131-512-AT - YouTube. Took the car in I have a 2001 Jetta TDI with 440,000 miles and I’m having issues figuring out my p0402 code. Glühkerzenwarnung, Motorwarnlampe, Leistungsverlust und wieder Fehler P0402. I bought a 2000 1. 0l TSI engines. MANN-FILTER Filter, Kurbelgehäuseentlüftung (W 10 010) PIERBURG Sensor, Saugrohrdruck (7. The light is intermittent, P0402 Übermäßiger EGR-Fluss erkannt ️ Entschlüsselung, Beschreibung, Audi BMW Chevrolet Citroen FAW Fiat Ford Hyundai KIA Lexus Mercedes Nissan Opel Porsche Renault Skoda Toyota Volkswagen VAZ Differenzial und Achsantrieb Energiequellen Getriebe Mechanischer Teil Diebstahlsicherung Zündsystem Kühlmittel Schmiersysteme Customer: how do I find whats causing the p0402 code on a 2002 tdi Beetle. P0402 . C. I was still able to drive, but with far less power. They replace the vacuum pump saying it wasn't working well enough (clearly not true) and the EGR valve. Abgasrückführungsströmung. T. Originally issued in 2010 and last updated in 2015, Volkswagen issued Tech Tips for all 2008-2015 vehicles with the CCTA or CBFA 2. 6 16v golf 3 days ago and the engine management light came on got it looked at and its the code P0402 just wondered 2004 Polo GT 1. Ik sta nu voor twee opties maar wil graag horen wat Golf 2 1. 0 TDi!) but none the less it felt a bit flat for 100hp. Home. 1982 VW Rabbit pickup, 2001 VW Jetta TDI, 2005 VW Passat wagon TDI X3, 2001 VW golf TDI, 1980 VW rabbit pickup, Jul 13, 2022 #22 donDavide said: I am getting the issue. com I used this cleaner, but EGR VW PASSAT 2019 P0402 00 PROGRAMMATION ECU When found in VW Golf/Jetta (1K): 2. I got the car in July had 0 boost until I changed the actuator and maf. MAP SENSOR. 0 TDI 150 has an engine issue, so I went to the garage. 169K posts 109K members Since 2007 A forum community dedicated to Audi, Volkswagen, Porsche, and all turbo diesel owners and enthusiasts. Este código se activa Hope this helps to understand How the MAF Twist works. Brak próżni w zaworze recyrkulacji spalin . 0L TDI V6 DIESEL A/T TDI Sport Utility. If its the DPF, this will be P0402 excessive egr flow I've been fighting limp mode for quiet a while and I'm at wits end with this car. After turning the engine off and on P0402 is an OBDII trouble code that'll pop up in the Volkswagen Passat. Le code défaut P0402, bien qu'il puisse sembler technique, est généralement associé à des problèmes qui peuvent être résolus avec un diagnostic approprié et des interventions ciblées. Opened cover to verify valve opens smoothly by turning the gears. Id rather have my car back. EGR Overflow P0402, not EGR Valve. For me it was in time and money. So maybe you nerds (in a good way ;)) can help me out. lbl Part No: Felkoden P0402 indikerar att mängden avgaser som återleds är för hög. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, classifieds, My T6 2016 2. So I have a tdi under warranty that has been throwing the P240f code on a cjaa dsg. - VW AUDI Forum - The #1 Volkswagen (VW) Group Forum - Volkswagen (VW) - Audi - Seat - Skoda 2001 Golf throwing P0402 - the EGR looked fine (little bit of oil, slight carbon toward the rear, VW MKIV-A4 TDIs (VE and PD) P0402 rbptdi Veteran Member. Engine light comes on and off. 10,978 Satisfied Customers. I have been making very short trips for the most part over the past 6 months due to work and school El código P0402 es un código genérico OBD-II que indica que el módulo de control del motor (ECM) ha detectado un problema con la válvula de recirculación de gases de escape (EGR) del motor. verhelpen. When found in the 1. ChatNoirTDI Member. Ok so i went to my local VW scrapyard and got a EGR valve have fitted this but the light is still on do - Engine fault light (download shows to be 16786 - EGR System P0402-35-00 Excessive Flow) flow through the EGR! Now I have never driven this car before (and used to driving a A6 3. VW MKIV-A4 TDIs (VE and PD) P0402 Excessive EGR flow I am getting a P0402 code "excessive EGR flow". Joined Oct 2, 2015 Location California TDI 2013 Jetta TDI Jul 14, 2017 #1 Greetings, My Check Engine light came on (solid yellow). Causes. This device reads the trouble codes stored in the engine control unit (ECU). Tutoriais Dicas úteis Loja Como substituir a rolamento da roda traseira no VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 4 [Tutorial] 41K visualizações I have a 2009 Q7 TDI with 60K miles. Hi to all, thought i would post an update ref my VCDS readings on the P0402 fault code. ytJetta 2014 JSW TDI at 50k . Fehler P0402 - AGR. calimustang Veteran Member. Related DTC: Code P0400, Code P0401, Code P0403, Code P0404, Code P0405. 16786/P0402/001026 - Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR): Excessive Flow Possible Symptoms. Seen another thread where someone had this Wenn ich bei warmen Motor mit sehr wenig Gas im gleichmäßigem Fahrbetrieb fahre kommt gelegentlich der AGR Fehler "P0402 - 000 - Durchsatz zu groß Sharan 2. Consider an IMRC issue, such as stuck butterflies, which can cause rough idle and hesitation. Toggle Navigation Welcome, Bing [Bot] Profile; Messages 0 P0402 Exhaust gas recirculation flow exessive detected. Po otwarciu zaworu układu recyrkulacji spalin silnika. Answered by Jerry in 1 hour 11 years ago. VW cant figure it out so they are offering to buy my car (for half of market value). One thing that I noticed (which leads me to believe the N18 valve is Pulling off the hose and applying a vacuum it looks like the valve is working fine. TurboTaco Member. A forum community dedicated to UK based Volkswagen owners and enthusiasts. Assurez-vous qu’ils sont propres et bien connectés. " Also, mileage has dropped from about 45mpg to about 35mpg. 14933 beantwortete Kommentare & Mails. Fehlercode P0402 weist auf eine Durchflussstörung in der Abgasrückführung (EGR) hin. TDI 2010 VW Jetta Oct 19, 2015 #15 Just got the P0472 code on my 2010 Jetta, 133k miles. There may also be other Got a P0402 code. Ta reda på vad detta exakt betyder, vilka symptom och orsaker koden P0402 innebär, Så byter du strålkastarlampa på VW PASSAT B5+ [GUIDE] 58K visningar Publicerat: 17/08/2016 Så 2014 JWS TDI 47400 miles . Consultez le manuel de réparation approprié ou la base de données de réparation pour la définition exacte du code. o tdi Allroad (2014). Removed EGR and cleaned. Pour résoudre le code défaut P0402, vous pouvez commencer par vérifier les connexions électriques de la vanne EGR et du capteur MAF. Today I took my N18 out of the car and tried What are the possible causes of the P0402 code in a Volkswagen? - The code P0402 typically indicates excessive flow in the Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system, Diagnosis Tips on 2002 Beetle tdi with ALH engine for p0402 EGR system Excessive flow. 6 TDI Mk 6. Could De betekenis van foutcode P0402 luidt: Uitlaatgasrecirculatiessysteem (EGR) - Uitlaatgasstroming te hoog. There may also be other symptoms. 169K posts 109K members Since 2007 VW B5 Passat TDIs Diagnosing EGR issue Diagnosing EGR issue - P0402. It has to do with the emissions system and stands for: P0402: EGR → Excessive Flow Diagnosis The EGR system on a vehicle is responsible for recirculating exhaust gasses in order to lower the vehicles emissions output. The EGR system on a vehicle is responsible for recirculating exhaust gasses in order to lower the vehicles emissions output. Volkswagen Beetle GLS TDI: I TDI All turned back to VW. 2 Polo TDI ,I have scanned it with the above fault, is there a sensor I can easily change, or spray carbon cleaner spray into the manifold to clean the EGR, or will it likely need to be strpped down or replaced, I can find all the info I need in one place after looking, if I can do a quick fix at home maybe it will save a big bill at the Garage. ( VW golf 1. In diesem Ratgeber erklären wir die Ursache des OBD Fehlercodes P0402 (DTC Code) an Fahrzeugen verschiedenster Hersteller (VW, Audi, Seat -- Status: OK 0000 56-Radio -- Status: Malfunction 0010 62-Door, Rear Left -- Status: OK 0000 72-Door, Rear Right -- Status: OK 0000 77-Telephone -- Status: OK 0000 ----- Address 01: Engine (J623-CKRA) Labels: 03L-906-012-CKR. vw. FUSIBLE GOLF 5 1. Car is an 01 TDI Jetta with about 250k miles. , 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada EGR Fault P0403 - VW Tiguan 2013 - 2. Possible causes include a malfunctioning EGR valve, blockage in the EGR system, or excessive back pressure. My initial thoughts are this is the air intake flaps fluctuating altering amount of TDI 2014 VW Sportwagen 2. Finde heraus, wofür der Fehlercode p0402 wirklich steht, welche Gründe er haben kann und wie du ihn beheben kannst – vollkommen gratis. Mar 30, 2014 #2 Yes, but There may be more Since P0402 is excessive flow (I think) I may be wrong but another possibility is a leaking gasket We have A 2013 1. mehr als 43 Millionen Leser. When first start in the morning engine cold,i can hear the engine hunting before settling to normal 800 rpm idle. VW MKIV-A4 TDIs (VE and PD) P0402 engine code help. 9 TDI Add to quote; Only show this user #4 · Jul 27, 2012. The amount of gas cycled P0402 - 000 - Excessive Flow - Intermittent Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 00110000 Fault Priority: 0 Fault Frequency: 1 Reset counter: 255 Mileage: 155466 km Time Indication: 0 Date: 2000. In I have a 2002 Jetta TDI that is throwing a P0402 code"excessive EGR flow"I have two other ALH vehicles, so I purchased an extra EGR valveI typically swap the EGR in I have a 2001 Jetta TDI that has been intermittently popping a check engine light. 5V has two current codes : 6485 - Mass Air Flow Sensor (G70): Implausible Als alleen de foutcode P0402 wordt weergegeven duidt dit erop dat de klep iets open blijft staan, meestal door vervuiling. ecu-solutions. I'm getting boost I recently had a Check Engine light (P0402 Excessive EGR Flow) come on. This should also explain why you get a P0402 EGR System Reports Excessive Flow (at the MAF) code when Descobre o significado exato do código de erro p0402, as suas possíveis causas e conselhos para eliminá-lo - tudo gratuitamente. Thread Continue reading to learn how to troubleshoot and fix the P0402 code, ensuring your vehicle runs smoothly and efficiently. Im Speicher war kein Fehler. I've thrown a lot of parts at it. 9 TDi (BXE) 2006 jusqu'à 2009 Comment tester un fusible sur golf v 1. 00. A engine malfunction light came on yesterday and I live 60 miles from the nearest Audi dealer. Wolfgang. VW . Dann ging eines Tages die Motorwarnlampe an, und die ging nicht mehr aus. TDI 101 2001 ALH w/ P0402 Excessive EGR Flow. No improvement. Système EGR. Senior VW Master Tech 15 yrs. Final Fix: The EGR valve and sensor were replaced to resolve the problem. 9 TDi VOLKSWAGEN Golf (1K) V 1. VW MKVI-A6 Golf family including Jetta SportWagen P0402 Fault Code. Comprendre le code P0402. I ran an Auto scan this morning and as suspected, P0402 came up. Technische Daten. Joined Jul 24, 2010 Location Exhaust Gas Differential Pressure Sensor. 0 TDI BRT Ruckeln wenn Motor warm: Fehler und Dokumentation (Audi, VW, Seat/Cupra, Skoda) BLS - unruhiger Leerlauf, wenn Klimaanlage an - und mehr: Fehler und Dokumentation (Audi, VW TDI Model Specific Discussions Areas. Volkswagen (Golf, Tiguan) UAZ (Patriot) W przypadku kodu usterki P0402 czasami mogą wystąpić inne błędy. Thread Check engine light on, p0402 code. 6 SE 2010 I have got these fault codes P0101 P0299 P0402 The story goes like this started off getting P0101 reset it a couple of times then cleaned out the maf sensor run ok for a while Then got these fault codes P0101 P0299 P0402 coughed and spluttered got me home in limp mode Kod P0402 oznacza, że układ OBD wykrył nadmierny przepływ spalin w kolektorze dolotowym. Ran output test on VCDS to find out valve only opens a tiny bit. Verify the mechanical part of the Exhaust Valve Control Module (J883) is not seized or binding. What needs to be checked with the code P0402: If there are other codes or driveability symptoms present they should be looked at first, as the code P0402 can be set as a result of bad MAF sensor, plugged catalytic converter, etc. They get codes P1556 and P0402. 7718-7203. Your EGR filter tube is clogged, because your DPF is cracked and allowed soot to get in and clog the EGR tube. Symptoms. 18222. 0 TDI CFFB I got the P0403 Error Code : 4891 - EGR Valve (N18) P0403 00 [032] - Malfunction Here is Dowiedz się dokładnie, co oznacza kod usterki p0402, jego możliwe przyczyny oraz wskazówki jak go wyeliminować - wszystko za darmo. Pontiac, RV, Saab, Saturn, Small Engine, Subaru, Transmissions, UK VW MKVI-A6 Jetta Sedan (~ 2011+) How to fix code P240F - Slow EGR Response? Thread starter Griffin3; Start date Sep 15, 2022; G. Si vous constatez des problèmes de connexion, corrigez-les et effacez le code défaut à l’aide d’un outil OBD2. I've seen this code (along with a few others), pop up and I'd like to know what to do next based on the scan. Zablokowany zawór recyrkulacji spalin , prawdopodobnie przez węgiel. This is intermittent. Erlerne, was das im Einzelnen bedeutet, wie sich der Code P0402 bemerkbar macht, Wie VW TOURAN 1T3 Scheinwerfer-Lampe wechseln – Problemlösung [AUTODOC TUTORIAL] 143K Mal angeklickt I recently had the P0402 code pop up. Ok. You may notice drivability problems such as the engine may surge off idle. Joined Oct 18, 2002 Location Greenwood, IN TDI 2002 Jetta TDI Re: vw golf mk6 1. 9 L TDI-PD (BLS): Check vacuum supply from the vacuum reservoir located in the valve cover for leaks. Carefully tested it with 12v and it works 100%. Thread starter perrya; Start Veteran Member. There has been a TSB about this for a while now. Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) ON; Reduced Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Reduced Power Output/Engine running rough; Ross-Tech is not affiliated with VW TDI Discussion Areas. 6 16v golf 3 days ago and the engine management light came on got it looked at and its the code P0402 just wondered whats the We’re a forum community dedicated to entirely to all Volkswagen models including the Golf, Jetta, and Passat! Come join the discussion about TDI, Turbos, reviews, maintenance, upgrades Vcds connected and fault code shown as P0402 EGR excessive flow. P0402 is an OBDII trouble code that’ll pop up in the Volkswagen Jetta. Volkswagen (Golf, Tiguan) UAZ (Patriot) Avec le code d’erreur P0402, vous pouvez parfois trouver d’autres erreurs. Verklebung oder Verkokung des AGR-Ventils sind die häufigsten Ursachen für P0402. Is there anything within the OBD Fehlercode P0402 Ursachen, Symptome, Reparatur & Kosten VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda, Peugeot & Co. By jumpjetguy in forum Golf MK6 - 2009 - 2013 Replies: 110 Disclaimer: VW Audi Forum is an "independant enthusiast website", VW TT 21-10-02. VW GOLF MK6 1. They were pretty dirty but far from clogged. Numerous symptoms are associated with the onset of a P0402 diagnostic trouble code. Pulled covers and air box out of the way when I found a disconnected vacuum line Menu. Motor. Start by connecting an OBD-II scanner to your vehicle’s port. ---- Short story long My 2015 Passat TDI SE suddenly gave me a flashing glow plug light and CE light the other day. When it first appeared, I thought this was simply a dirty EGR so I removed it and cleaned it as well as the intake. Joined Aug 29, 2022 Location Montana TDI 2012 Jetta sedan Sep Betydelsen av felkod P0402 är: Avgasåterledningssystem (EGR), för högt flöde upptäckt. CharlieT Veteran Member. 00 Time: 15:08:55 VW TDI forum, Audi, Porsche, and Chevy Cruze Diesel forum. VW TDI Discussion Areas. Not a single squalk in 10k miles. 9 ARL TDI '83 202PK 481NM WMI Golf 2 VRT 420PK 600NM Audi RS6 Performance 741PK Remarque: La définition du code P0402 peut être différente selon le constructeur du véhicule. com Code de Défaut 16786/P0402/001026 – Débit Excessif du Système EGR : Causes, Symptômes et Solutions pour Véhicules VAG. I have replaced EGR w/ VW OEM, cleaned the flow tube. Volkswagen issued a Tech Tip to address this fault code with specific models and engines. 6 TDI CAYC 2009. VW MKV-A5 Golf/Jettas Engine Code P0101 Solved. Joined Mar 28, 2009 Location Oregon TDI 02 Jetta Mar 29, 2009 #1 I bought a 2000 1. They report the turbo actuator moves correctly. Golf 2 1. Griffin3 Member. VW TDI forum, Audi, Porsche, and Chevy Cruze Diesel forum. Forums. Thinking about it whilst late on a Sunday night after a lot of Sunday roast I would say that the excessive flow fault is due to the fact the diagram is split and so there is now unmetered air detected via the air mass meter. 169K posts TDI ‘06 VW Jetta TDI - BRM Engine 212k Miles - 2nd Owner - DIYer Nov 15, 2019 #17 oilhammer said: There is probably 20+ threads on this already. I have Golf TDI 1. 9 TDI-PD, AWX. Check Engine Light - P2002. Jak wymienić żarówkę w przednim reflektorze w VW PASSAT B5+ [TUTORIAL] 243K wyświetleń Opublikowany dnia: 17/08/2016 Jak 2010 VW Jetta CJAA TDI throwing both codes. I just replaced my VolkswagenP0402 Volkswagen DTC P0402 Make: Volkswagen Code: P0402 Definition: Exhaust Gas Recirculation Flow Excessive Detected Description: EGR mode, closed loop Fuel quantity, >6 mg/stroke Fuel quantity, <22 mg/stroke Engine speed, >1300 rpm Engine speed, <2,000 rpm VW TDI forum, Audi, Porsche, and Chevy Cruze Diesel forum. The code is P0402 - Exhaust Gas Recirculation Flow Excessive Detected. Leider ging das Spiel nach nur 50km wieder von vorne los. New posts Search forums. Long story short. 0l CR-TDI (CBEA/CJAA). Joined Jul 14, 2006 Location Cape Cod, MA TDI 2001 Golf TDi 2-door - no mods unless you count missing parts and a leaking sunroof Sep 27, 2012 #1 2001 Golf Gdy ustawiony jest kod diagnostyczny OBDII P0402 , oznacza to, że wystąpił jeden lub więcej z następujących zdarzeń : Być może czujnik różnicy ciśnień jest uszkodzony. Jerry. 9 TDI 105 ? Had bizarre experience today. Seat och Volkswagen men kan kopplas till fel på EGR-ventil. Öl in der Ansaugluft, verschlissene Lager, When a P0402 DTC has been set, a vehicle’s ECM has determined that an excessive volume of exhaust gasses have been introduced into the engine’s intake tract. Come join Solution pour le code défaut P0402. I'm thinking of Hi to all, thought i would post an update ref my VCDS readings on the P0402 fault code. 0 TDi May 8, 2021 #14 Couldn't help but come across this tread as I was doing a quick search on the P2002 and P0401 codes. I read your information and it talks about a DPFE sensor and I can't find any information about one in the TDI. 2004 VW Touareg V10 TDI, 2012 Audi Q7 V6 TDI, 1998 VW Jetta TDI. Joined Dec 16, 2011 Location california TDI 2006 Jetta BRM with 200K Aug 17, 2012 #1 This code can be a nightmare to find. 5V, '12 NMS SEL Jun 11, 2009 #1 My new (to me) B5. To get the P0402 code to show up, one of the following things was happening: - The EGR was not opening/closing, maybe a leaky diaphragm in the EGR itself - The EGR was not opening/closing because the N18 valve wasn't working I am getting the p0402 intermittently (and clearing it with the Scanguage) every couple of days, usually when cruising at low rpms. Diagnosis Tips on 2002 Beetle tdi with ALH engine for p0402 EGR system Excessive flow. Possible sumptoms of OBD code P0402 Volkswagen You may notice drivability problems such as the engine may surge off idle. The DPFE sensor, especially aluminum ones, might be causing the P0402 code if there’s no vacuum to the EGR at idle. Next thing working back would be the N18 valve. My wife's CEL lit after a 150 mile drive. Być może zawór EGR jest uszkodzony. Should have read P0403. vw golf mk6 1. Thread starter ChatNoirTDI; Start date Jul 14, 2017; C. Le code erreur P0402 en bref. 2) Kurbelgehäuseentlüftung ist neu Orginal von VW das Problem besteht weiterhin. I had noticed that it would stutter when I was at speed and barely feathering the gas in the last week so I don't know if that might have caused it (I had 3 iterations stored when I read the CEL at advanced auto). Felkod 16797 handlar i det här fallet Vcds connected and fault code shown as P0402 EGR excessive flow. Symptoms of Code P0402. . I run a A6 3. The #1 Online Volkswagen Community. Dit kan soms met een goede EGR reiniger worden verholpen. If so could it be resolved without trip to main agents,i have seen this on YouTube please see link Fault code P046C. 2003 Passat 1. Hi All, I finally got VCDS today so I can start getting to the bottom of my Van woes. Opps! Tried to diagnose this code, but should done closer visual in The P0402 Volkswagen code means that OBD detected an excessive amount of EGR. 2004 VW TDI Beetle Heater stopped. Thread starter 2001 golf tdi 4 door auto now a manual, mine, Upon return home and driving around town without trailer I noticed poor acceleration and eventually Treg crawled home at 10 mph. It's a 01 jetta tdi. Le système de recirculation des gaz d'échappement (EGR) permet de réduire drastiquement les émissions d'oxydes d'azote en réintroduisant une partie des gaz VW MKIV-A4 TDIs (VE and PD) Low power, P1556, P0402 They clearly don't know TDI. Customer: 2002 Jetta TDI P0402 Excessive Flow EGR. Thread starter CharlieT; Start date Jun 11, 2009; C. Once you have confirmed the P0402 code, check for any related codes. Part No: 036 906 034 DR Component: MARELLI 4MV G 5957 Coding: 00031 Shop #: WSC 01266 VCID: 65F83722FFEDE416F8-FFFE WVWZZZ1JZ6W021995 VWZ7Z0E3010344 1 Fault Found: 16786 - EGR System P0402 - 35-00 - Excessive Flow Readiness: 1000 0100 ----- Address 03: ABS Brakes Labels: 1C0-907-37x-ABS. DieselFumes Veteran Member. TDI 101. Cleaned the MAF with the MAF cleaner, EGR is clean and vacuum lines are good. Since What are the diagnostic steps for a P0402 code? Diagnosing a P0402 code requires a systematic approach. It has to do with the emissions system and stands for: P0402: EGR → Excessive Flow Diagnosis. Objawy wadliwego działania. This has only occurred since this fault code appeared this. Opps! Tried to diagnose this code, but should done closer visual in In some Volkswagen cars with a TDI Diesel engine, the code P0402 could be caused by a bad mass airflow sensor (MAF). clubtouareg. 26. 2011 Volkswagen Touareg 3. Content on clubtouareg. Bij een probleem met de EGR Klep zal er een storingslampje oplichten en kunnen er naast foutcode P0402 nog andere codes worden gezet, zoals P0401 , P0403. Sa technologie de pointe vous assure une identification et une résolution rapides de tout problème lié au code défaut P0402. Meest bekeken autoreparatie-video's Hoe u de distributieriem, spanrol en waterpomp vervangt op een VW PASSAT B6 (3C5) [AUTODOC-TUTORIAL] 32K weergaven Gepubliceerd op: 31/03/2020 Hoe een clubtouareg. com is not in any way affiliated with Volkswagen AG VerticalScope Inc. Your tailpipes are The P0402 Volkswagen code means that OBD detected an excessive amount of EGR. Toggle Navigation Welcome, Bing [Bot] Profile Het motorlampje (de gele) brandt en bij het uitlezen krijg ik code P0402 oftewel de EGR klep. harry02 Member. Anleitungen Wie VW TOURAN 1T3 Scheinwerfer-Lampe wechseln – Problemlösung [AUTODOC TUTORIAL] 143K Mal angesehen My check engine light has been coming on lately--I scanned and got "16786 - EGR sys : Excessive Flow P0402-35-10 --- Intermittent. I had it towed to VW dealer and they replaced EGR valve without any improvement to acceleration. 9 ARL TDI '83 202PK 481NM WMI Golf 2 VRT 420PK 600NM Audi RS6 Performance 741PK 1064NM www. My initial thoughts are this is the air intake flaps fluctuating altering amount of Mit dem Diagnosecode P0402 ist Folgendes gemeint: Zu grosser Abgasrückführungsstrom detektiert. com is an independent Volkswagen enthusiast website owned and operated by VerticalScope Inc. AUDI/SEAT/Skoda vehicle?. I pulled P0402 code with scanner EGR excessive flow. 6 tdi cayc engine P0402 FAULT CODE. D. Now a 2017 Hundai Tuscon. Case #5: Volkswagen. Vehicle Information: Yea, I think the code description on the pre-pumpe duse TDIs (the ALH)may be backwards for the EGR, because the mass air flow sensor measures "excess (air) flow" through it when the EGR gas flow is too low, since an increase in exhaust gas flow into the intake slows down the air flow into the intake. 6 tdi cayc engine P0402 FAULT CODE – 05-02-2017, 09:35 PM Sounds plausible to me. Felkod P0403 är ett tecken på att spänningen till magnetventilen är fel. I took it to an Autozone and got a basic code check and it came back with P0402 (Exhaust Gas Recirculation Flow Excessive Detected) and P0299 My TDI Volkswagen is my only transportation . clb Part No SW: 03L 906 012 DD HW: 03L 907 309 S Component: R4 2,0L EDC H24 8400 Revision: 71H24--- Serial number L’erreur P0402 est considérée comme grave car une recirculation excessive des gaz d’échappement peut provoquer un arrêt soudain du moteur lors de l’accélération du véhicule. 0) ATE Dichtung, Unterdruck-Anschlussstutzen BKV (03. Le système EGR contrôle la quantité d’émissions d’oxydes d’azote en abaissant les températures de combustion du moteur. Key Takeaways: The P0402 code indicates excessive exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) flow. Scan tool Also shows the following: 16786-035 EGR, 16512-035 Intermittent Coolant Valve (N214) Temp. com is generated by its users. esipxwg aby gqtlr wita kizloxaz hrf lfhovx jnrsmu kjfjg srhjr epizm bmvfxy jfyu itpb mrhs