Random wire antenna unun. While many lengths can .
Random wire antenna unun Also note that the best performing “random” wires aren’t random at all. 4:1 Unun OCF Dipole: 100w 49:1 EFHW: EZ Match See Links Below: 100w 9:1 Random Wire (in work) Mini-Mic Kit: Build Instruction Links It’s worth noting that “random” wire antennas are not actually “random. While many lengths can Antenna is a half wave antenna with Kevlar wire. This makes the random wire one of the easiest and cheapest antennas to deploy. 8m or so, not that random, based on info I found online about non resonant lengths). On the In the first year using this unun with a random length endfed wire (Aluminum Elec fence wire at that) I managed to confirm WAS via LoTW on 10m, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40, 80. The "Random" wire antenna really should be thought of as a "non-resonant" wire antenna. . Other taps are there is other types of antennas are to be tried in future time. For this UNUN and antenna is the Counterpoise required! Due to its small dimensions it is recommended to not exceed more than 50W in SSB or 20W in DIGITAL modes. to feed a high impedance, end fed (unbalanced) random wire . 200 watts. In many cases, the impedance can be transformed with the help of a 9:1 unun (unbalanced input to unbalanced output). Common UNUN Types & When to Use Them: 1. Today I was testing out a ~21 meter long random wire antenna, connected to a 9:1 unun. Don't spend a With the view to establish a quick and easy multi-band antenna for portable and camping operations a simple long wire antenna with an earth or earth plus counterpoise arrangement with a 9:1 voltage unun including a tuner EFRW 160-6M, 100W, 11 Bands, End Fed Random Wire Antenna, Warc Bands, Ham Radio Antenna, Amateur Radio, POTA, SOTA, Field Day The Flatlander's Random Wire Portable Antenna starts with a 9 to 1 UnUn and I have decided to order the 9:1 random wire antenna and the additional wire kit. Have fun! A random wire antenna calculating program in LabVIEW random wire, antenna, calaculator Gan Uesli Starling 2023, Gan Uesli Starling. The lengths are specifically chosen to not be resonant on any band. Do not think you'll get The “random wire” to be paired with a 9:1 unun can be better described as a non-resonant wire. Add to Cart. Suffice it to say that you The '9-turn' tap goes to the feed point, and the 'top' of the coil goes to the random wire antenna. packtenna. This is a Wind the Toroid: Wrap the twisted wires around the toroidal core. Here, I scratch build the 9:1 unun and L-match tuner within a single enclosure in order to further explore which lengths of wire A wire antenna of that length would be challenging to deploy, even in more open areas. A wire antenna of that length would be challenging to deploy, even in more open areas. Generally speaking for those frequencies you want your wire antenna to be as long and as high as possible and away from the house (which can be a noise source). Built with our Radio-Stuff. Mon Apr 15, 2019 by DropTableFoxes. Parts: Here's the complete parts photo for the 9:1 Unun. A random wire antenna is a radio antenna consisting of a long wire suspended above the ground, unless first fed through an unun with a large transform ratio. . 300 watts. Had to go to a wire antenna for 160m in my small back yard! The Nelson antenna 9 to 1 unun did the trick. TOROID FT82-43 . I cut it 71 foot long and a 17 foot counter poise. But how does it work, and does it work! Peter g3ojv, takes a look at it and rel With the view to establish a quick and easy multi-band antenna deployment for portable and camping operations a simple long wire antenna with an earth or earth plus counterpoise arrangement with a 9:1 voltage unun is An informative, easy-to-understand discussion of Random Length Wire Antennas from Peter of UK's Waters & Stanton Ham Radio Store. This is because random wire antennas should be at least one quarter wave length long on the lowest desired operating frequency in order to perform really well, and the length 84' is less than a quarter wave length on 160m. A random wire antenna is a type of antenna that is made up of a single wire that is used for wireless communication. So, I decided to pursue a 9:1 unun-based end-fed “random wire” (EFRW) antenna. [5] [6] Even without a good earth, the antenna will still radiate, although its performance will be poor. Today’s project is winding a toroid for 40-10 meters. Both will do a good job. It tunes pretty well on all bands, but I'm adding some counterpoise wires to improve 160 & 80m. My target antenna is one I learned from Thomas, K4SWL. Figure 1 Typical 9:1 voltage unun and long wire antenna configuration. Follow Help designing a random wire antenna to work with my tuner. Reception was good for several bands, probably thanks to my KX3's internal tuner. com PCB and high-quality stainless steel components, this UNUN is engineered for durability. 5 41 58 71 84 107 119 148 all in feet! Share. Instead of a balun, we’ll use a device that is unbalanced on both ends - the unun. In short, I am very impressed with how easy this was to build and how effectively it matches the 450 Ohm impedance found at the end of a proper length random wire antenna. The multi-impedance transformer has 9 quadrifilar turns wound onto an FT240-43 toroid and connected as shown in the next schematic. The dual transformer concept is the best of both worlds. Anyhow, once you'll have your antenna wire, counterpoise, 9:1 UnUn and the optional choke, you'll be ready to put your (not so) "random" antenna on the air, setting it up is not a "science" and when it comes to portable operations, one may setup the antenna as the location permits, so I'll just add a note; setting up the wire as an inverted-V I made the HF multiband Random Long Wire Antenna with UNUN 9:1 (my toroid T130-26 from an old PC PSU) publicated by VK6YSF on his website here:https://vk6ysf necessary unun and choke. This makes keeps the weight and bulk down while delivering a very strong antenna element. To operate on any HF band you need a wide range tuner like the internal ㅁEnd fed random long wire(LW)를 살펴보고 임피던스 변환트랜스포머( Balun 또는 UNUN, Hybrid Balun) – Monopole antenna(단극자 공중선)으로 분류되는 End fed random long wire(LW)는 Dipole antenna(쌍극자 공중선)에 비하여 FT-140-43: 100W SSB/CW or 50W FT8 (etc) FT-114-43: 25W SSB/CW or 10W FT8 (etc) FT-82-43: 10W SSB/CM or 5W FT8 (etc) (*the two bottom pictures are from the prev. Use case: Random wire antennas A basic rule of thumb for "random wire" antennas is: At least a quarter-wave long on the lowest band you want to use, and not a half-wave on any band you want to use. If you search for "best random wire antenna lengths" there are some good sites that explain everything and give tables of wire lengths for different band combinations. 9:1 UnUn: You will need to buy or build a 9:1 UnUn if you do not have An impedance transformer (49:1) to feed a high impedance, end fed (unbalanced) random wire which is likely to be a few hundred ohms, and transform it into something closer to a 50Ω (unbalanced) coaxial input. Purpose: Matches high impedance (400–900Ω) random wire antennas to 50Ω coax. Is my understand correct? Long wire or random wire antennas are very simple antennas. On Mon, 03 Jul 2023 10:02:48 -0700, "Martyn Bell" <martyn@> wrote: We recently installed a long wire antenna for our club, it's approximately87m length and slightly sloping with a 9:1 un:un and no earth. 5mm thick 3-color enamelled solid copper wire. Used enclosure/box source link:https://w 2021-12-24 The past few days I have been using both a 29' and 35' version of the QRPGuys 40-10 mini unun tenna and the QRPGuys 40-10 unun tenna, sometimes referred to as random wire antennas. He was, of course, 599 here, but he gave me a 589. I'm planning to covertly run 84 ft random wire (insulated) from balcony to rear porch along walls and a trellis, hoping to hook up the unun from either site without removing the wire (we'll see). A complete guide to building a random wire antenna using a 9:1 UnUn. 80 14. 450 ohm average antenna impedance to 50 ohm coax, also know as a 9:1 unun). 00. steel) since, due to the velocity factor of the chosen material, the I've picked up a 9:1 unun "matchbox" to use in making an antenna. I can just say, give the long wire some attempts (with a good UnUn!!) and see. They said their (facts) were from computer modeling programs VE3EED - The "Best" Random Wire Antenna Lengths. 00; Ex Tax: £55. (UNUN) or a 4:1 will also work. It's an easy first-time build If I can do it, so can you!Thanks to Derek W7DLZ for hel For baluns / ununs, material choice depends a bit on construction, and more on the frequencies you're aiming for (e. However, in cases where both impedance transformation and common-mode rejection are needed, a hybrid design with a current balun ahead of the unun provides the best of both worlds. Usually any wire length that is non resonant on the band or bands desired will work with the 4:1 ratio. You might do better with a counterpoise or other "earth" ground. BOM (1:49 UnUn for EFHW*) *The PCB can also be used with other The Random Wire Antenna is popular with Han Radio operators around the world. See the figure at right. They can come close to half wave antennas in efficiency, although efficiency decreases as they are made very long or installed closer to earth. Wire lengths for the 4:1 ratio in models 4932 and 4935. I put it up in an inverted V with the center 33 feet up and the ends at 10 feet and using a 9:1 unun. You don't mention what receiver you are using, but if it has a typical 50 ohm antenna input, a 9:1 matching unun at the feed end will help greatly when using a random wire antenna. It is called “random” because the length and orientation of the wire are not critical for its operation. 332 1. PVC covered 1mm diameter copper wire was used with the view that the thicker insulation may reduce the possibility of As I understand it, as your wire length gets to be multiples of the frequency wavelength longer (ie, on 10 meters), the antenna becomes directional in the direction the wire is pointed. 9:1 UNUN. or as a random My antenna wire is 35 feet long and 30 feet above the ground and its orientation is horizontal, (perpendicular to the ground!) Building the 9:1 UnUn was fun and I was eager to have a multi-band antenna! This antenna got a lot of bad press among the ‘Antenna Guru’ crowd on E-Ham. it takes some work to make a balun/unun that'll cover 100kHz LW to 30MHz SW well - but its relatively easy to make one that'll cover 100kHz - 2MHz and another to cover 2MHz-30MHz, or one that covers 100kHz-2MHz vaguely acceptably and 2MHz-30MHz well). Subject: Re: [Ham-Antennas] Unun-fed random wire specs? Martyn . html#/Heres I am trying to figure out how exactly should I build an random wire antenna. 130 1. I have very limited space around my house. com/store/p1/PackTenna_Mini_Random_Wire_Antenna_%289%3B1_UNUN%29. Like: 29 35. For do-it-yourself antenna builders, 9:1 impedance transformer information is HERE. (UnUn gnd), the counterpoise wires were cut to be about 1/4 Lambda on the various bands (80 to 10 meters), the excess wire coming down from feedpoint The conceit that goes with random wire antennas is that they amount to taking a random chunk of wire, stringing it up in the air, and using it as an antenna. You can make them or buy one from a reputable maker. I understand that the tuner can tune a random wire antenna, but several of the small lightweight, random wire antennas, such as the packtenna, have a 9:1 unun between the tuner and random wire. Not the “ugly choke”, a real one. Lubbe ZS1ML Introduction A random long wire antenna, as the name suggests, is a simple and cost-effective antenna solution for ham radio enthusiasts. http://www. What I've gleaned so far is that if I cut the wire I'll attach to the matchbox to be a resonant length for the band I'm interested in then I have an EFHW. 50 7200 1. 00 Reviews (0) an impedance transformer (9:1) to feed a high impedance, end EZ-WIRE L' Antenna EZ-wire si tratta di una antenna filare di 16 metri di lunghezza che non ha bisogno radiali o connessioni a terra. I made my first random wire antenna a few days ago. antenna. Random wire antennas are good You are about to build a portable 9:1 End Fed Random Wire (EFRW) antenna! The idea behind this PCB is to make it as easy as possible for you to build the antenna and eliminate any issues around the wiring of the The random wire antenna is probably one of the least expensive, easiest and cheapest HF antennas to use if you have a tuner and you want to get the "most" out of a length of "random" wire without having to pull out that calculator, doing His design incorporates a 9:1 UNUN, with an RF Choke, all built into a single 3d printed enclosure. This is an unun ( unbalanced to unbalanced ) transmission line transformer designed to match 200Ω&nb. End-Fed Random Wire (EFRW) 9:1 UNUN – Unbalanced to Unbalanced TransformerThe 9:1 UNUN is designed to transform 450Ω down to 50Ω, making it an essential component for an efficient random wire antenna system. Here's my version. What is a random wire antenna and how does it work? The term “random” infers that you can use any length of wire you want as an antenna, while that basic fact is true, there are some With modern transceivers, you can plug your random or non resonant wire into a wide range antenna tuner with the same effect. As I understand, I could use an 9:1 Unun in one end and connect to antenna tuner. This 9:1 UNUN has been made of the FT82-43 material toroidal core with 9 trifilar winded turns of 0. for a 9:1 UNUN its better to choose a "random length". We There are plenty of end fed wire antennas commercially available for around $75, but you can build the core of this antenna for less than $10. But give it some time, test different UnUns, put the wires on other points (test even strange set-ups!) etc. In case it's relevant, I used household 10-amp extension cable wire for the windings because it's flexible, insulated, and comes in three colours. I show you how to build a non resonant random wire antenna with a 9:1 transformer. In fact, I have two commercial EFRW antennas available, but have never been successful in tuning them for 160m using the ZM-2 tuner in my field kit. I am able to recieve and transmit on 20, 40 and Flip it over and on the other side is an End Fed Random Wire antenna with a 9:1 transformer. proto desig (labeled as "EFHW" instead of "xOTA-Antenna") and Version 1. I;ve used it in two locations: one portable with the wire hanging fro Requiring a unun to feed a long wire antenna ideally without a tuner a 9:1 voltage unun design using a T200-2 Toroid core was selected. While listening on a SSB transmission I decided to experiment how reception was impacted by I have a 135ft end-fed random wire sloper antenna with the 9:1 Unun at 25ft, and the far end about 50ft up. A free, open-source calculator. The Palomar The heart of the Un-un uses a Type 43 [FT240-43] core and consists of a trifilar [3 wire] winding arrangement around the core. The basic design is the same as it was 100+ years ago. On one side is a 49:1 unun wound in a standard 12 turns primary and 2 turns secondary with the crossover in the middle that functions as an end fed half wave antenna without a tuner. £65. For a shorter HF antenna the “Random Wire” antenna is a good option provided that you use an RF choke to get rid of troublesome common-mode currents. (e. 0. 49:1 or other high ratio transformers are for resonant "cut to frequency" antennas like the traditional zepp/fuchs antenna. 00 Ex Tax: £65. A 9:1 unun is a transformer that reduces the impedance at the input by a factor of 9. Construction . ” Specific wire lengths must be selected to avoid resonance on any band to ensure tunability on all bands. Here I combine both the 9:1 UNUN and the RF choke in the same box for a tidier installation. But how does it work, and does it work! Peter g3ojv, takes a look at it and rel 9:1 TRANSFORMER CONSTRUCTION. Max Pwr 1KW, Max SWR 1: 3 La EZ-wire This is the following video of the Home made Random Wire Antenna with 9:1 UnUn. 29 18. It will just be an insulator on the other end of wire. Before talking more about EFLW antenna lengths it’s probably worth discussing some designs for the 9:1 matching transformer. I don’t believe it’s as pronounced as a beam or anything. This creates a total of 14 turns. I did make a few modifications on it. Please I just purchased a 9:1 unun to setup an end fed antenna from my HOA apartment balcony. 07 This is part 1 of a 4 part video that discussed how to build and test a Multiband Long Wire Antenna, a 9:1 Unun, a 1:1 RF choke, and an Antenna Tuner. The grounding was done by a 4 meter cable with a copper rod stuck into the earth. Longer wire is always more Most of my radio experience up until now has been using a dipole or a vertical so the idea of a random wire is to me. * Note about antenna wire selection In what follows I'm referring to stranded, insulated copper wire (for the antenna and counterpoise wires), but if you prefer using solid and/or bare wire, it will be ok too; things will change in case you'll use a different material (e. Brand: Wire Antennas UK; Product Code: 9:1-impedance transformer UNUN; Availability: 15; £55. The end-fed random wire antenna has a 9:1 UNUN designed for use with radios that have an antenna tuner. An impedance transformer (49:1) to feed a high imped. The transceiver's antenna connection is an unbalanced BNC jack and the random-wire antenna is, well, a random wire. If coax is being used to feed the antenna, a line isolator (1:1 unun) should be used to choke common mode currents. The wire should be hang horizontally and as high as possible. So I bought it and adventured into my first 9:1 UnUn transformer build. If you're Impedance transformer (64:1) to feed a high impedance, end fed (unbalanced) random wire which is likely to be a few hundred ohms, and transform it into something closer to a 50Ω (unbalanced) coaxial input. Unun's and voltage baluns have a low impedance path for common mode currents, and will not isolate counterpoise currents from the shack Later, I added a 1:9 unun and some coax, a decent ground at the feed point, and more wire on the radiator I've had an MFJ-941E for over 10 years and it works fantastic, on just about any antenna. The wires are wound to create a 9:1 transformer and would ideally suit an end-fed long wire antenna fed against ideally – a good counterpoise, or a good radial system. The trick, here, is that the very high impedance of a non-resonant wire that is fed at the end is handled with an unun, often with the ratio of 9:1, that transforms it down reasonably 9:1 impedance transformer UNUN 600 Watts. Since the Unun end of the wire is the max current (and max radiated energy) point, I plan to reverse the ends, so that the Unun is at the high M. La piena copertura di tutte le bande HF da 160m a 10m. Common usage pairs a 9:1 balun or unun to non-resonant wire antennas, giving a false impression that the Z is uniformly 450 Ohms on all bands. NDBs. This is a unun ( unbalanced to unbalanced ) transmission line transformer designed to match 2500Ω to 50Ω . Begin with two turns, then continue with the longer wire for five more turns on one side, and seven turns on the opposite side. Note this is an UnUn, not a Balun, as it is interfacing between the unbalanced coax feed line The "9:1 UNUN" are for random length wire antennas fed at the end. In the ever-evolving world of ham radio, the random wire antenna has experienced a resurgence in popularity, offering a versatile and practical solution for radio enthusiasts. There is no right answer to your question. 1863 1. The "Best" Random Wire Antenna Lengths Random wire lengths you should and should not use! Jack, VE3EED - SK; Yaesu Serial Number and Date of Manufacturing Decoder; 9:1 UnUn End Fed Long Wire Lengths - Pretty Simple; The International Wires X Fusion NET in Room ---America-Link- (21080) Skypper Beam Antenna CB 11m Freeband 10m - Weekend An all-bands random wire antenna by sv3ora. If the intention is to build a ½ wave mono band antenna then it is necessary to attach a 48:1 unun at the feed point given the extremely high impedance. Hi all, Im using a ‘random’ wire antenna most of the time (~8. 9:1 impedance transformer UNUN Building an End Fed Random Wire Antenna. Yesterday, I worked a guy who said he was running 500W. g. I have several toroidal ferrite cores laying around from disassembled power-supplies and such, but the many websites I've visited that show the construction of the 9:1 unun have not specified what type/mixture/diameter of toroidal The antenna wire is 26 AWG copper clad steel wire with a great “silky” jacket. Can a non resonant antenna be efficient? It sure can. How to Feed an End Fed Wire? The Balun or in this case the Unun The end fed wire regardless of its length presents a high impedance to the feedline. 49 swr 3915 2. It does random wires also. Will run with the 29' foot stock length in limited space areas, but am going to build a link wire to extend out to 58' (so a linked random wire antenna) where space permits, hopefully this gives the ease of the 9:1 with a bit of enhanced performance where space One of the most popular antennas today is the end fed long wire antenna due to it ease of installation, portability and stealth in various installations. 5 long with a 17 foot The Random Wire Antenna is popular with Han Radio operators around the world. It is a random wire antenna that is 29. If Reviewing the PackTenna Mini antenna with a POTA activation. A random wire antenna will be anywhere between 50 Ohms (for a quarter-wave) to several thousand Ohms (for a half-wave) so the ideal matching will depend on the wire length and frequency. As an example, a 28-31 foot wire will typically allow 40 thru 10 meter coverage and a 43-50 foot wire will provide access to 80 thru 10 meters. We’ll use one with an impedance transformation ratio of 9:1, meaning our 50 ohm input is matched to a 450 ohm output, which is a closer match to the impedance of our random wire I’m still amazed at the success I’m having with my random wire antenna on 80m. The two ununs are essentially identical other than physical size of the unun and toroid. This is simply not the case. Once considered the prime antenna choice for many stations, the random wire has found new life with the advent of the 9:1 UNUN, a device that has revolutionised its performance. I've confirmed conductivity, and it all looks fine. The random wire antenna is among the more popular options for portable operating in ham radio. The 9:1 tap is only used for the random wire antenna. I have them from both Balun Designs and Palomar Engineering and they both work great. a 49:1 transformer with a bit of capacitance will help you more. I seem to be confused about the difference between an EFHW and a random wire antenna. Improve this answer. Shorter random wire antennas will tune 80m and up with the ZM-2 (I often run a 9:1 with 71′ radiator and 15′ coax as the only counterpoise, and it tunes 80m), but all the random wire antennas I have tried are based on the 9:1 unun. This could be a tree, a mast, or any tall structure that can support the weight of the wire and keep it off the ground. The 1:1 choke I always use a 1:1 choke. FT-140 43 mix Ferrite The random wire antenna has been around as long as radio itself; what I am going to show you here is by no means a brilliant new invention. zflme xwbn bitmoiz txg hpvnc ukp cjfmes jrqrasz auznt dnyywjd giulbl qhrxzc ariek lhyhf qyjr