Saturn pluto midpoint An intense and relentless pursuit of one's spiritual path, or to pursue worldly success with the same intensity. Saturn/Pluto midpoint is the Ground Zero of the horoscope, symbolizing annihilation of past structures and the resulting transformation. Like the Arabic parts each primary midpoint identifies a specific power point and has its own individual formula. Hard lessons learned through power struggles in Pluto: A relentless search for ultimate authorities, expressed sometimes as an extreme need for a father figure. I mentioned this incident in a previous post on the activation of Neptune=Uranus/Pluto, but perhaps Saturn/Neptune = Uranus/Chiron is even more fitting. In my Natal chart Moon is also conjunct MC [1 degree orb] & almost exact square to stationary Neptune in 12th. Exercising excessive dominance upon others forces us to confront our shadows, our deepest fears, and dreadful distrust of others, as we desperately try to control the most unfathomable aspects of love. Confucius addressed poverty and fighting war clans N. Get personalized recommendations, and learn where to watch across hundreds of streaming providers. Julian Assange T. Node: The need to seek out connections with others who can help one become more in tune with one's purpose in life. Mercury=Jupiter=Saturn/Chiron midpoint His book is released and his relationship with Trump is damaged. Tremendous pressure that will inevitably lead to a breakthrough. 3 million euro, excluding expenses such as the electricity bill, paid by the State"P. Negative reactions encountered when one tries to impress one’s ideas on others. Rockefeller Sun=Jupiter/Apollon 30' orb Mars//Pluto DOB 1/29/1874 10AM Cleveland, Ohio Silvio Berlusconi The contents of Midpoint Observatory are my own observations of how some midpoint and planetary pictures manifest on a concrete level in the news and in the lives and horoscopes of The contents of Midpoint Observatory are my own observations of how some midpoint and planetary pictures manifest on a concrete level in the news and in the lives and horoscopes of celebrated and ordinary people. May 10. When Saturn in Leo opposed Neptune, there were several events involving childrens' heath. The Pluto square Saturn aspect can be likened to a crucible, a container that can withstand extreme conditions, symbolizing the intense pressure this relationship may experience. A fear of being vulnerable in one-on-one contacts and so a tendency to be held back when doing relating. In the realm of astrology and synastry, the study of relationships and compatibility between individuals, the Sun-Moon midpoint plays a significant role. The contents of Midpoint Observatory are my own observations of how some midpoint and planetary pictures manifest on a concrete level in the news and in the lives and horoscopes of celebrated and ordinary Jupiter//Pluto//Vulcanus (and Saturn!) John D. Where Jupiter is very expansive and opportunistic, Saturn represents a control factor that often manifests in delays, frustrations, limitations, etc. Poseidon stationed within 1’ of the Mars/Poseidon midpoint for over 20 years, spanning the time when his university Saturn=Sun/Apollon O prah natal Saturn=Sun/Apollon! RPP delineations: Educational activity The midpoint combinations with Moon, Mercury and Venus have been published in earlier posts about Sun/Moon, Sun/Mercury and Sun/Venus. August 4. Natal Apollon=Jupiter/Pluto (22 1/2 appox 18' orb) DOB 10/12/1910 Economist who originated idea that global markets could not police themselves to contain monetary crises. Chiron: Your energy helps others to be more aware of how they feel about themselves and their relationships, and to allow emotional energy to flow more freely when they relate. These pressures may come in the form of power struggles, control issues, and deep-seated fears that may surface. PLUTO=SATURN/URANUS Financial disagreements (N, P, SA, SR, LR, T) Denied insurance claim (also T. In Scorpio. The Sun/Moon midpoint in astrology is a significant point in the birth chart, located halfway between the natal Sun and the Moon. Record-setters and people who influenced their fields certainly have drive and the obsessive focus of Planets activating the Saturn/Pluto midpoint (♄ ♇) Explore this site Astrological and Tarot services , books and art , all sorts of astrological teaching materials , selected articles from my blog, a complete index of the meaning of midpoints , my Chandra symbols , and more . This post is about the midpoint Jupiter-Uranus and the combinations with Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Node, Ascendant and Midheaven. By transit to a natal chart, Saturn to Neptune or Neptune to Saturn is often a health event or concern. Saturn/Vulcanus Boy George sentenced to jail. Midpoints are written in this way: “Venus Conjunct Moon/Pluto” = Venus is conjunct the Saturn is the planet of structure, responsibility, and maturity. One's frustrations and fears are due to one's ego being overly attached to the past. Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, the nodes of the Moon, the Ascendant and MC. P. A tendency to shy away from anything or anyone one feels extremely attracted to. Chiron: One's vibration helps others to open up and to be more free, and even eventually to instigate profound changes in one's life. Pluto contacts natal Sun/Mars/Kronos 1 st contact: "Management embezzlement resulted in her tax debt. Pluto station=N. it can also show great inherited power or wealth but always there is danger involved as pluto Pluto: A driving need to be independent and open in one’s actions. Planets activating the Saturn/Neptune midpoint; Planets activating the Saturn/Uranus midpoint; Planets activating the Jupiter/Midheaven midpoint; Planets activating the Jupiter/Ascendant midpoint; Planets activating the Jupiter/Node midpoint; November 65. Saturn square N. Going to far in a love relationship. Moon / Pluto Midpoint = to be honest with you, this midpoint in synastry have kind of a bad rep to me. Interestingly, this midpoint picture had Saturn/Neptune = Uranus/Chiron at a little under 2 degrees from “approaching exact” about a month ago when we had the United Healthcare CEO event. One is attracted to minimalism in the realm of aesthetics, or to austere, ponderous or heavy sorts of artistic expression. Pluto: To love extremism. Saturn station=N. Moon / Sun Saturn / Pluto This point represents the hardest and most difficult path to follow in order to get Principle: An extreme desire for freedom and for change. Regarding Saturn/Pluto midpoint on the Aries Point, it has to do with the Saturn/Pluto midpoint being the focal point of heavy loss and challenges. Ceres square Pluto I win a Trader Joe raffle T. Saturn and Pluto are both extremely SERIOUS planets, so you want them as allies!Thanks for listening!Thanks to my Patrons. Saturn/Pluto. Jupiter/Pluto square Client goes to work for alcohol recovery facility for rich people. Chiron can also be seen as part of the contributions of Freud and Friedan, who addressed individual and societal wounds. Midpoint Equivalence An interesting feature of midpoints is what the Magi Society calls midpoint equivalence; Midpoint notation involves inserting a slash between the two planets or points involved. Saturn=Pluto=Cupido=Zeus=Admetos King John of England P. Not all of the health events were negative. Let's delineate the midpoints (look them up in The Combination of Stellar Influences). . Planets activating the Mars/Saturn midpoint (♂ ♄) Saturn=Kronos=Vulcanus=Admetos 64H This describes the prison term (Saturn/Vulcanus The "shortened" prison term (Saturn and Vulcanus with Admetos) And the wrongful conviction (Saturn/Kronos) T. The contents of Midpoint Observatory are my own observations of how some midpoint and planetary pictures manifest on a For example, transiting Uranus triggering your Mars/Pluto Midpoint would suggest violent accident or injury, but you would need at least 2-4 other transiting Planets triggering Midpoints that indicate the same thing, like Sun=Mars/Saturn and Uranus=Mars/Neptune etc. Saturn=N. Shakira tax fraud: Court dismisses her appeal (Ongoing as of this writing Pluto is the symbol of strategy, influence, authority and intensity. July 30, 2025: the Uranus-Pluto midpoint precisely conjoins with Saturn at 1’40” Aries; August 17, 2025: the Uranus Pluto midpoint precisely conjoins with Neptune at Saturn at the midpoint of Venus-Pluto highlights the darker sides of dependency and the destructive potential of power in our closest bonds. Here's something interesting that happened during the Uranus/Pluto square 9/2012 The contents of Midpoint Observatory are my own observations of how some midpoint and planetary pictures manifest on a concrete level in the news and in the Tag Archive for: mars equals saturn pluto midpoint. " 2nd Pluto contact: "tax agents seize most of her earnings. A feeling that one is inadequate to do this, or does not know how to do it. A driving need to understand one’s relationships more deeply, and to perceive their spiritual dimensions. 5 degree from being exactly on the 0° cardinal mark. the jupiter shows economic or military /police power. Pluto at the same time) Bernard Madoff's natal chart has Pluto=Saturn/Uranus (22 1/2 approx 20 Overlap with Saturn/Pluto, Pluto/Admetos, Pluto/Chiron . Kronos=Jupiter/Pluto Boss Tweed Natal Ceres=Pallas=Jupiter/Pluto I have the Uranus / MC midpoint exactly conjunct my Pluto in 10th house. Planets activating the Venus/Saturn midpoint (♀ ♄) https: Pluto: One feels greatly pressurized by a lack of love, money, or other things. Being afraid of one’s own personal power and the potential of misusing it. To burn one’s bridges behind oneself. It's "hard, hard work" with a lot Venus-Saturn-Pluto (97) You are likely to feel that loved ones, such as parents, romantic partners, or good friends, for example, have carelessly overlooked what is important to you or have not Saturn / Pluto This point represents the hardest and most difficult path to follow in order to get rewards and success. Sir George Stokes Neptune conjunct Pluto (conjunct Saturn) in Pisces The contents of Midpoint Observatory are my own observations of how some midpoint and planetary pictures manifest on a concrete level in the news and in the lives and horoscopes of celebrated and ordinary people. Friday 6/21/2019 & the Weekend: Summer Solstice; From Stormy to Spirits, Scandals & the Sublime June 21, 2019 / in The Forecast. New are Sun/Mars/Jupiter, Sun/Mars/Saturn, Sun/Mars/Uranus, If you have a natal planet aspects a midpoint, there is an effect. Mozart lived a life of financial setbacks and shortages. Executor of a will. What you say in the principle & process of hi SS, i remember this aspect in your composite. Ceres conjunct natal Pluto Max Weber Wrote about agrarian economies wife inherited cocoa fortune juno=ceres/chiron 64H Figure 1. Saturn/Pluto Midpoint: Heavy and transformative. DOB 9/12/2006 1:11am LA His brother has Hades=Apollon=Vulcanus and the Moon is in a picture containing Sun=Moon=Saturn=Pluto=Zeus=Admetos N. Here's one example, when the opposition was about 3' from exact: Listen to this episode from Stardust Stereo on Spotify. Pluto went over this and result was Brexit Natalie Wood Saturn: To have an intense desire for change, innovation and even revolution, but to either be afraid of this, and/or careful, cautious, and patient about engaging in it. Neptune is at 2’09” Aries. Planets activating the Pluto/Midheaven midpoint Principle: To be transformed and empowered by being open and receptive to spiritual forces. the pluto show that the hidden powers that be,are involved . A friend just married and her husband's Mars/Saturn midpoint is her Sun and his Mars/Pluto midpoint is her ascendant. Intensive, even stifling restrictions encountered in one's connections with others. HERE'S A MULTI PLANET PICTURE on the dial: Saturn=Chiron=Node=Vesta=Pallas=Apollon (2 degree orb) DOB 4/15/1952 David Cameron Sun=Saturn=Chiron T. Saturn, when combined with Pluto, has the effect of transformation within the Yesterday’s post was about the positive change in the life of a man and the reflection of it: Jupiter-Pholus and Jupiter-Uranus. Relentless resistance to taking in new Pluto: An extreme fear of letting go of the past. Also: T. The relentless urge to do things in one’s own way, and to experiment with how one does things. To assertively affirm one’s independence can induce big transformations in one’s life. In your reading, the influence of Chiron to the Saturn/Jupiter midpoint is rather positive (or growth beneficial). I started writing this forecast yesterday (Thursday), as follows: Pluto reenters Aquarius on January 20 2024, for the next 19 years. Venus/Mars Midpoint: A space of passion and creative fire. In this episode I speak about the current Saturn/Pluto midpoint in the sky. Buffett's company. (also Mercury=Saturn same day) The contents of Midpoint Observatory are my own observations of how some midpoint and planetary pictures manifest on a concrete level in the news and in the lives and horoscopes of celebrated and ordinary people. Relentless resistance to taking in new The mood around her will worsen from late May when tr Saturn opposes the Saturn/Pluto midpoint; and even more so from July as tr Uranus is opposition her Mars/Saturn midpoint bringing catastrophes, calamities, high In the chart comparison, we notice that her Mercury (ME) is at his Venus/Jupiter (VE/JU) midpoint (ME=VE/JU). Pluto’s contact to it takes these potentials to an extreme so we have a very powerfully debilitating midpoint picture in Saturn/Pluto, especially when it involves the inner planets or Angles. Mid-July is their closest contact in 2025. A driving urge to rise to the highest possible level in one's profession. Planets activating the Sun/Venus midpoint (☼ ♀) https: Saturn: To feel shy or afraid of expressing love. It reflects endurance through struggle. Relentless resistance to taking in new experiences. Find ratings and reviews for the newest movie and TV shows. Midpoints of Chiron/Pluto (indicated by "kp" in the chart) lie midway between the two planets; Chiron and Pluto . Jupiter / Saturn Midpoint = shows Love your blog, have had fun going thru it. To feel tremendously oppressed by feelings of worthlessness which are only healed The force of Pluto combined with Chiron is understandable with a mania, a craze or fans (fanatics); the words connote psychological disorder. I wonder if you know anything about midpoint synastry. Planets activating the Saturn/Uranus midpoint Principle: The tension between old, established patterns, and new ways of being. Saturn on Macrons's Mars. In the Jup/Plu midpoint, we saw its great potential for success as a reflection of Pluto taking the Jupiter archetype to its extreme. When activated, this midpoint can signal periods of intense personal growth and ARE THERE PARTICULARLY IMPORTANT MIDPOINTS? We should consider the Personal Planets Midpoints (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) more than the outer ones (Jupiter, Saturn/Pluto. October 3. Pluto triggered it. Activations here may bring challenges that force growth. Vincent Gallo was 12 when transit Saturn made a direct hit to his Sun/Pluto midpoint. Dec 07, 2008 Pluto = Saturn/Pluto (Focused Intent) Transit. No comments: Post a Comment. Pluto=Macron's Sun, Moon, Mercury and Uranus. Moon=Apollon/Vulcanus (22 1/2 -- 1') The contents of Midpoint Observatory are my own observations of how some midpoint and planetary pictures manifest on a concrete level in the news and in the lives Saturn: A fear of intense emotions and a need to release them slowly, carefully, and gradually over time. Financial leadership. Process: The overthrowing of deeply entrenched restrictions and limitations. In my experience this is definitely the case, on a par with actual Chiron transits. Pluto events most commonly about money; less commonly about death. Saturn: Having difficulty finding a common purpose with others, but a need to work steadily and patiently toward this. ” Example: “Plu Conj Mer/Sat” means Pluto is transiting conjunct to the midpoint between Mercury and Saturn. Planets activating the Sun/Pluto midpoint (☼ ♇). Thus, a Sun Moon midpoint would be: In the above midpoint transit list, the midpoint between Sun and Mars, for example, reads “Sun/Mars. Our chart is full of important midpoints that, when triggered by transits, progressions, solar arcs or eclipses Planets activating the Mercury/Pluto midpoint (☿ ♇) Planets activating the Mercury/Pluto midpoint (☿ ♇) https: Saturn: A need to be sensitive to the ideas of others rather than solely focused on one’s own. Also, her Jupiter (JU) is at his Mercury/MC midpoint and his Jupiter (JU) is exactly at her Saturn/Pluto (SA/Pl) midpoint. The tendency to withdraw from overpowering feelings so that they may die down or be assimilated and reconfigured gradually. Ceres/Pluto=Aries (22 1/2 approx 12' orb) Steve Fossett soybean trader (who disappeared) Oprah buys 10% Weight Watchers stock--it goes up ALOT T. Saturn=Pluto Clients's father was owed a great deal of money but former biz associates; money held up for several months; ultimately lost. The Saturn/Pluto Midpoint strong by MWA: When there is a need to persist through any adversity or unfriendly circumstances, as in business, military or athletic situations, or when embarking on untried efforts whose outcome remains in doubt, this combination adds determination, stability and persistence. A midpoint is basically the halfway point between two planets or personal points and as such is usually much easier to calculate than the Arabic parts. Principle: Spiritual matters press relentlessly on you, forcing you to grow – one way or another. Chiron conjunct Saturn, setting off Saturn/Uranus picture Not all contacts of Neptune to the Saturn/Uranus midpoint are fatal. Cafe Astrology . N. T. Vulcanus antiscia natal Saturn confined to Ecuadorian embassy to IMDb is the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content. It’s a point of great emotional intensity, to the point of becoming too much and the relationship ending up into emotional abuse, Mars falling on this midpoint can particularly show this bad situation. What is your opinion about the Magi Astrologers take on it? Planets activating the Mars/Pluto midpoint; Planets activating the Mars/Neptune midpoint; Planets activating the Mars/Uranus midpoint; Mark Karpeles CEO Bitcoin exchange Saturn=Uranus=Pluto 1 degree 13' orb Pluto symbolizes death too. In the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, we see Pluto Pluto: An extreme fear of letting go of the past. The Impact of Transiting Pluto Conjunct the Midpoint of North Node and Saturn. A complete and potentially drastic revolution. He claims to have Pluto: An extreme fear of letting go of the past. Vesta=Mars=Saturn=Pluto=Cupido. Where this combo fall in your chart indicates what area you need to transform into a great strength. One takes love very seriously. For those with a Sun conjunct Moon aspect, their Sun-Moon midpoint will be conjunct to the Sun and Moon. g, taxes, grants. the saturn/pluto midpoint brings power from social or government bureaucracies. Saturn/Neptune (SA/NE): the Saturn/Neptune midpoint is all about dis-ease and ill-feelings. A lack of self-confidence when dealing with other people. Ascendant/Midheaven (AC/MC) is the most individual midpoint, at the cross point of longitude and latitude degree, where you were born. The contents of Midpoint Observatory are my own observations of how some midpoint and planetary pictures manifest on a concrete level in the news and in the lives and horoscopes of celebrated and ordinary people. Giving in to one’s deepest Planets activating the Saturn/Midheaven midpoint (♄ MC) Planets activating the Saturn/Midheaven midpoint Pluto: A relentless search for ultimate authorities, expressed sometimes as an extreme need for a father figure. To discipline one’s energy can In January of 2011--when Pluto was conjunct his Saturn--Buffett learned that an employee (who was a potential successor) owned stock in a company which might be bought by Mr. When the transformative power of Pluto meets the karmic direction of the North Node and the disciplined energy of Saturn, you’re in for Planets activating the Sun/Pluto midpoint (☼ ♇) https: Saturn: The slow and gradual spiritualizing of the ego, which possibly happens through harsh, difficult or painful events. The contents of Midpoint Observatory are my own observations of how some midpoint and planetary pictures manifest on a concrete level in the news The Saturn/Pluto midpoint carries the most challenging energy of all the planetary combinations, and on the day of the shooting, it was located at 29°38’ Sagittarius — just half a . But a sense that one MUST do it, and through patience and focus one WILL This sample Midpoints Report gives meanings of midpoint pictures in a natal chart, plus transits, progressions, solar arc directions to midpoints for 6 months. Neptune on N. Admetos Deflation in England when he was king; his name was "lackland" The contents of Midpoint Observatory are my own observations of how some midpoint and planetary pictures manifest on a concrete level in the Planets activating the Mars/Saturn midpoint (♂ ♄) Planets activating the Mars/Saturn midpoint Pluto: Pent up energy can create drastic pressure within oneself, with a consequent need for it to find release. The pictures are made up of traditional planets, the 4 major asteroids, the TNP's and Chiron. The desire to be safe, orderly and organized conflicting with the desire to experiment and try different things. On a transit, he wrote a letter to his father; "I never had enough money to learn how to use it" . Saturn/Pluto (SA/PL): this midpoint represents "the builder. There’s very little material out there as far as interpretation goes. Saturn/Pluto Mid-point The point of the most operative concrete refocus of The Sun-Moon midpoint is a sensitive, but passive point on your natal chart that will not be activated unless it makes an aspect to a planet. There will usually need to be other, similar themes in the transits and progressions in order for a midpoint activation to have a notable effect. . After all, we can see dozens of activations on any given day in the transit chart — it would be very time-consuming and disorienting to Pluto/Kronos - Money and Government; e. Obsessive Anthony Drexel N. Why Midpoints Matter: The Impact of Transiting Pluto Conjunct the Midpoint of North Node and Saturn. for example a combination involving Saturn and Pluto, then Planets activating the Chiron/Pluto midpoint (⚷ ♇) Planets activating the Chiron/Pluto midpoint (⚷ ♇) https: Saturn: A fear of letting in messages from beyond, and of acting on them. Speaking of the Royals, I found it interesting that Chiron was conjunct with Queen Elizabeth’s Sun/Moon when Diana and In predictive techniques like transits or progressions, planets triggering a midpoint can indicate significant life events or changes. The midpoint between two planets can be an intense spot; especially when another planet (or planets) or other sensitive point, like an angle, is located there. I thought people tend to step back and feel intimidated when i enter the landscape because of the tons of other aspects: Planets activating the Mars/Saturn midpoint; Planets activating the Mars/Jupiter midpoint; Planets activating the Venus/Midheaven midpoint; Planets activating the Venus/Pluto midpoint; Planets activating the Venus/Neptune midpoint; Planets activating the Venus/Uranus midpoint; Planets activating the Venus/Saturn midpoint; Planets activating the Venus/Jupiter midpoint; Planets activating the Venus/Mars midpoint; Planets activating the Mercury/Midheaven midpoint Saturn: Caution in sharing one's feelings with others. Drastic situations that unleash pent-up energy. " However, in almost all instances that we researched, Saturn and Pluto together also result in a severe downfall and/or bankruptcy! For example, Saturn was transiting over the Sun/Moon midpoint of King Charles 3 when Prince Phillip (his father) died. When the transformative power of Pluto meets the karmic direction of the North Node and the disciplined energy of Saturn, you’re in for Like already given example: Sun/Jupiter=Saturn/Pluto (death and surgery of the father improving your health OR being scared to death makes you live better = FACT stopped smoking when father died as a result of smoking). We could interpret this as the potential for loss Planets activating the Venus/Pluto midpoint (♀ ♇) Planets activating the Venus/Pluto midpoint Saturn: A fear of intense passion. Intensive, even stifling restrictions encountered in one’s connections with others. This means that the Sun-Moon midpoint will function neutrally with the planets involved. And for me the Saturn/Pluto I have Mercury at the Sun/Pluto midpoint. It is where we undergo superhuman feats of endurance, immense physical stresses including illnesses, endurance, self Planets activating the Saturn/Pluto midpoint. This midpoint represents a harmonious blend I read (I think in Melanie Reinhard’s book on Chiron) that the natal Saturn/Uranus midpoint has a Chironic effect. When Saturn transits the Sun/Moon midpoint, it may bring a sense of duty, responsibility, and commitment to relationships, and could potentially signify a time of entering Planets activating the Saturn/Pluto midpoint. Planets activating the Saturn/Pluto midpoint (♄ ♇) Principle: Spiritual matters press relentlessly on you, forcing you to grow – one way or another. com. Getting to the bottom of The Saturn/Pluto midpoint represents the integration of discipline (Saturn) with transformation (Pluto). Juan Carlos "for the first time detailed the yearly royal budget of 8. A driving urge to rise to the highest possible level in one’s profession. One’s frustrations and fears are due to one’s ego being overly attached to the past. The growth and evolution of one’s own unique gifts, talents, and abilities. In matters of love it may bring tearful experiences. When triggered, it speaks of desire, attraction, or artistic breakthroughs. One's life is transformed by coming into a profound understanding of one's fears, which allows one to finally release them. Judy Garland T. this shows extreme power for good or bad. Horribly deep repressions that probably came about as a means of survival. Chloe Sevigny had her first child at the age of 45 while transit Saturn (the lord of “age” and “time”) was conjunct with her Sun/Pluto. Chiron square natal Jupiter. Pluto (22 1/2 exact) King Juan Carlos family member in financial scandal. Having this midpoint on the Aries Point often means that such hard Pluto: To be obsessed with a desire to understand why one has to endure limitations and restrictions. Uranus Pluto midpoint Aries ♈️ point Saturn Neptune astrology predictions 20252026accelerationismeconomic transformations societal collapse July 13, 2025: Saturn stations retrograde at 1’56” Aries. April 20. fswg huo svp dqtz tkctv ppz odg xamab djdf tsfvd shjn lzfqmqq xcql yaqvcz cvor