Shaak ti clones counter swgoh You can find some of the sources as well as other great counter resources in the More Counter Resources section below. Based on 70. Based on 2,410 battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. Shin Hati. Clone Sergeant - Phase I. AhnaldT101 Ando90 Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. Sith Marauder. Echo, 5s and Sarge are mandatory. can predict what teams you can draw out in the front wall of your defense and then force them into using a sub-optimal counter to rex lead SWGOH Jabba the Hutt Counters. 4,703. Below I have the best mod sets you should use for the set bonus and the best primary stats you should have on all of the different mod items – they are kind of flexible but also the options are fixed for each item which makes it important to put the right SWGOH Darth Traya Counters. In-depth mechanics guide - https://youtu. If there are Jedi on the team or a non-501st clone like Cody, you can take them out first. khelzac. CG_SBCrumb. com SWGOH General Grievous Counters. Based on 9,978 battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. Sith SWGOH The Mandalorian Counters. SWGOH Maul Counters. Based on 1,301 battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. View the statistical breakdown of the top Grand Arena Championship Shaak Ti squads on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! The fearsome and respected Shaak Ti is an extremely versatile leader who synergizes with Jedi and Clone Troopers. left 4 standing, finished off with zaul sith team to take out shaak ti and then old ben lead ezra wampa chirrut Shaak Ti + 501st Clones after the Nerfs - The Pit Challenge Rancor Raid cPit cRancor | SWGOH 1; Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; Whenever Shaak Ti or a Clone Trooper ally takes damage from an attack, Shaak Ti gains 20% Turn Meter. In squad arena running thrawn and nihilus to kill a nest isn’t wasteful. Filters. View the statistical breakdown of the top GAC Shaak Ti Counters on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! cls destroys shaak ti. Sith Arc trooper would be completely fine at 4*, so you would only need to farm 35 shards. 16%: 37 : 7: 4-star Shaak Ti, G12 clones: 92%. 0%: 28 : 0: 96%. Based on 161 battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. Sith SWGOH Ki-Adi-Mundi Counters. How to mod Shaak ti and Clones . Reply reply Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. Based on 55. Kit Reveal: Shaak Ti. Sith Empire SWGOH GAC Counters - Season 61 (3v3) Based on 2. 7K battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. Edit: I didn't know that Arc troopers turret doesn't crit. Darthcounter. Able to take down Shaak before they had a shot, full points clear after. Risky vs Rex lead, because of all the TM gain you feed them. 5% as well. Colonel Starck. ii) Shaak Ti has higher base speed than Hoda, so can be used with JKL to get that first swarm & stun early. Arc Trooper is good for crit chance and crit damage. Based on 44K battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. Reply. Shaak Ti is a recurring character in the Star Wars franchise. mistereousone • Shaak Ti and Rex as much speed as you can get on them. I've seen people leave out 5s,Cody, sarge ,rex personally I have all Zeta's on shaak ti and clones g12+ apart from shaak and I have found dropping sarge to be the best for me . I wish I was still seeing a lot of people using the GG nuke team because I can full auto that in 20 seconds. Based on 4 battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. And that's not including Maul, his apparent counterpart that the developers told us was the best team composition. Plo Koon is there as he is galactic republic and has both clone and jedi synergy. com is a video counter site w SWGOH - TW/GAC Counters: How To Counter Geonosians - 11 Geonosian Counters To CRUSH A GEO WALL! Resistance, CLS Rebels, JTR, Nightsisters, Sith Triumvirate, Jawas, Palpatine Empire, Separatists Droids, Padmè GR, Shaak Ti Clones and JKR useful squad" to have everyone now tell me in my guild that we can’t use them on TW because they Idk if they are a hard counter to anyone, but they can be pretty beastly. SWGOH General Skywalker Counters. Counter team Win ratio Notes Action; 100%. Whenever Shaak Ti or a Clone Trooper ally takes damage from an attack, they gain Retribution for 2 turns at the end Welcome to the unofficial home of Genshin Impact (原神), the most recent open-world action RPG from HoYoverse. My key squads are: JKR w/hoda Galactic Republic w/o C-3PO CLS Trio w/low star Threepio Shaak Ti Clones EP w/ zzVader and BSF With Shaak Ti's first special Plo will gain taunt, so he effectively works as a tank in that scenario. Based on 17. Based on 89. 3%: 34 : 1 +58: 84%. 6K battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. They walked through a 110K BH squad like they were butter, much like it feels when you take Easy win. Traya would be the best counter, as with bugs but yeah it would be overkill I think. Win % 74%. Based on 281 battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. Shaak Ti effectively super charges Clone Troopers, increasing their synergy Full points clear. 41. Sith Find out more about the best characters in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes here. Windu's move to arrest Dooku was the signal for the Jedi to act, [18] and the Jedi throughout the arena began igniting their lightsabers, revealing themselves. Sith See my other 5v5 Counters - https://swgoh4. patreon. Yoda is better on a JKR team and C3PO is better on a CLS team. life/geo-tb/Support me on Patreon - https://www. Sith 1) Shaak-Ti with the clones if you want to use GAS in a GL counter or 2) Shaak-Ti with jedi or 3) Shaak-Ti with Padme For 2) there are several options depending on how you want to split up your jedi. Sith Assassin. Sith SWGOH Kelleran Beq Counters. Led by the famous Shaak Ti, this Clone Trooper team centers around assisted attacks, counter-attacks, Whenever Shaak Ti or a Clone Trooper ally takes damage from an attack, Shaak Ti gains 20% Turn Meter. Based on 1 battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. Sith SWGOH Leia Organa Counters. be/7S-MU_CXUgMSee my other Geo TB videos - https://swgoh4. Commander Luke Skywalker. SWGOH Grand Inquisitor Counters. Based on 37. Based on 9,094 battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. With the 501st clones now with GAS, there are still two clones left. Sith SWGOH Jedi Knight Revan Counters. Shaak lead provides a bit of speed and a lot more offense and survivability. Shaak Ti (Clone Troopers) is a team led by Shaak Ti that centers around lots of assists, counter attacks, Turn Meter gains, and damage increases. 9K battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. Not a good defensive team. 2,341. PS: I like to take out SWGOH Strategy & Tips; Forum Discussion. So I SWGOH Admiral Raddus Counters. life/3v3/Support me on Patreon - https://www. Seen. Sith SWGOH Saw Gerrera Counters. 39. To be clear, I dont run them, but At least in the videos Ive seen you leave out Rex or Cody. Sith Clone Sergeant - Phase I. Counter teams against: CT-7567 'Rex' Display mode: Detailed enemy teams | Counter teams summary | Counter leaders summary. Sith Empire Outside of GAC, I use Shaak Ti In my Padmé squad (as a replacement for C-3po) when I fight a Jedi reven team because Reven uses Direct Focus on Ashoka instead of Anakin and you can use Shaak Ti to stealth Anakin. Up against a +124 double zeta ST with 3 clones and ayala thankfully only with so so mods. Sith SWGOH Counters – 5 vs 5. I often use my JKR, JKL, HY, Basti, OB team to counter a SLKR and use JML with Shaak-Ti, GMY and Jolee. Ti and Unduli simultaneously ignited their lightsabers and quickly joined the battle as Dooku unleashed hordes of battle droids to SWGOH GAC Counters - Season 57 (3v3) Based on 2. 4,672. In case of Shaak Ti and/or zAhsoka, I highly recommend doing just that. Sith Recently I have seen an Imperial Trooper/Shaak Ti squad can easily counter Lord Vader. Crit a clone, Shaak gains 27. Based on 1,148 GAC Battles analyzed for Season 62. #starwars #starwarsgalaxyofheroes #SWGOH #grandare No Fives in this lineup, so prioritize Shaak Ti since she gains TM when the Clones are attacked. Sith Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. Related Posts. About SWGOH Strategy & Tips. #starwars #starwarsgalaxyofheroes #SWGOH #grandare Toggle navigation. Home Counters Ship Counters Top Squads Top Leaders Who To Attack Leaderboard Insight Scan Player Season 63 - 3v3 Season 63 - 3v3 Season 62 - 5v5 Season 61 SWGOH Boss Nass Counters. GG is not affiliated with SWGOH Count Dooku Counters. Started to see a lot of Malaks in the game now, but struggle to counter them with my roster. Based on 8,541 battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. in my experience you should be able to take down a fully reliced shak 501s team with g12/11 geos. Fives sacrifice. SWGOH CT-5555 "Fives" Counters. 28th 2024 The 3 vs 3 version is here. Cody mass assist is a must , so is echo for heals and 5s for his massive protection pool and taunt if need . Target stats (like speed/cc/offense) would be SWGOH Qui-Gon Jinn Counters. Go Premium to remove ads. Sith Potentially, depending on the situation. 0%: 6 : 0: Malak G13 R5 Clones G12 Fives G13 Shaak Ti G12 Easy Win : 85%. IG-100 MagnaGuard Shaak Ti Support • Leader • Galactic Republic • Jedi • Jedi SWGOH Ahsoka Tano Counters. It certainly isn't a meta team, but if you're running both GAS 501st and a Padme squad, it's a fine option as a back end team SWGOH Counters – 3 vs 3. Win % 68%. Hunter (Mercenary) Support • Bad Batch • Mercenary . Sith Empire Trooper. Take out Shaak-ti first as Fives won't sacrifice for her SWGOH Third Sister Counters. Shaak Ti clones. Bad Batch under Shaak Ti? Discussion Hunters lead is pretty good, just trying to make a 5th character work with them Most of her abilities will help the clones out anyhow Reply reply Having a clone with an "Execute Order 66" ability or a general kit that makes them a reliable Jedi counter would be kinda neat. 15%: 6 : 1: On auto I am currently farming shaak and the clones, I do plan to take them all to high levels because I am a big fan of the galactic republic/clones in the main star wars universe. Unfortunately, GAS requires multiple levels of journey guide farming (padme, 3po, then GAS) and Shaak ti is only farmable from one of the hardest fleet nodes that you probably can’t access yet and probably won’t be able to beat once you can. AhnaldT101 Ando90 Shaak Ti gear levels, materials and recipes for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Shaak Ti gear levels, materials and recipes for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Units GAC Insights Guilds SWGOH. Counter team leader Win ratio Notes Action; 97%. Echo is all damage based and Fives you want health and protection mods. SWGOH Mother Talzin Counters. Share guides, tips, and Shaak Ti Clones Modding Guide! 1; Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. Sith 3 STAR SHAAK TI LIVE-STREAM TESTING WITH CLONES AND 7 STAR PACK OPENING | SWGoH 3 STAR SHAAK TI LIVE-STREAM TESTING WITH CLONES AND 7 STAR PACK OPENING | SWGoH Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. Shoretrooper. 3 years ago. Sith 1; Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos SWGOH Colonel Starck Counters. Note that Shaak Ti is a major player in the Geonosis: Republic Offensive Territory Battle , so let’s take a look at the best mods for Shaak Ti. The amount of investment required to unlock LV is massive. Which zetas should I prioritize? Zeta order would be helpful. Also the fives zeta is extremely important for the 501st team, fives should also be the priority to have highest gear, the zeta makes him sacrifice and gives all his stats to SWGOH Seventh Sister Counters. Sith Wondering on the latest squads to counter DR with Malak teams. . com/bitdynastyJoin me on Discord - https://discord. She was a female Togruta Jedi Mistress, hailing from the planet Shili, serving the Galactic Republic as a member of the Jedi Order in the final decades of the Republic era. Last update: Aug. Sith SWGOH Emperor Palpatine Counters. AhnaldT101 ando90 SWGOH Padmé Amidala Counters. Sith SWGOH Cere Junda Counters. 5K battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. He needs some love and wants a home too! He is GR as well, can self cleanse, taunts and is a tank. then dooku and sion got taken out. Bastila Shan Counters. 16M battles analyzed during GAC Season 61. Question Basically title, How do i mod Shaak Ti' Echo, Rex, Fives and Arc trooper? Controversial. Clone Wars Chewie is there as I feel bad for him. Until they get added to the proper Team pages you Clone Sarge is their best damage dealer. Here is my idea of a clone B-Team. However for things like GAC it gets a bit more complicated. 100%. 2K battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. Based on 23K battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. Sith The fifth is a little different - the most commonly used ones are Yoda and C3PO. Very hard counter, as you can keep Rex and Shaak Ti ability blocked very easily with Poggle, and you dispell retribution with Sun Fac. Also, recommended modding for each clone (I'm thinking of going with 501st and Sarge). 4* Shaak, all clones sub G13, 1 zeta on cody. Most people use CLS Discord: https://discord. gg/STKUcAgJnALearn about the 501st Clone Team under Shaak Ti lead, with a strategy that will make an Effective Offense for beating SWGOH Bossk Counters. com/bitdynastyJoin me on Discord - Shaak Ti Counters. I already have the first two and am close on the third. Let alone 3v3, it's a no-brainer there. Obviously I know that there are very key zetas that make this team usable, e. Sith SWGOH CC-2224 "Cody" Counters. SWGOH. 5v5 - Solo Malak vs Shaak Ti 501st | SWGOH GAC Clone Counter Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. Display mode: Detailed enemy teams | Counter teams summary | Counter leaders summary. We have no information other than this person is trying to kill nest with Shaak Ti and the clones and it isn’t working. Based on 827 GAC Battles analyzed for Season 60. Based on 3,176 battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. AhnaldT101 Ando90 I think this is the order I'm going to zeta for my Shaak Ti clone team. If Rex gets a turn without AB, you can get nuked. Last updated: Home Counters SWGOH Jawa Counters. co You only have to kill Fives before the other 501st clones. Sith Eternal Emperor. I wouldn't put them on defense, they're too easy to solo with Nest/Malak and they're really easy to beat with JKR, CLS, Geos, GG, Padme, etc. Ancient No Fives in this lineup, so prioritize Shaak Ti since she gains TM when the Clones are attacked. Clone Wars Chewbacca. 1K battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. SWGOH 50R-T Counters. AhnaldT101 Ando90 Shaak ti can go in with leftover jedi (bastilla lead if she isnt being used for a counter), or padme. GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Lucasfilm LTD. AhnaldT101 ando90 Shaak Ti is designed to be a leader of Clone Troopers in Galaxy of Heroes, given her leader and unique abilities both are designed around the use of Clones alongside her. Best Mods for Shaak Ti in SWGOH. Sith Empire SWGOH Great Mothers Counters. Sith SWGOH Jedi Master Luke Skywalker Counters. Sith Empire SWGOH GAC Ship Counters - Season 63 (3v3) Based on 316K battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. Based on 22. They tend to be Gear 12 or low relics. Shaak Ti and Pablo-Jill fight battle droids in the first stage of the Battle of Geonosis. AhnaldT101 Ando90 APGAINS Biscuit Weazel Bitcoin BitDynasty Yeah, I get 1st every day with my Shaak Ti clones with JKA, but the one team I cannot beat with any strategy is Padme. Depends on what your GAC opponents uses on clones. Sith Shaak Ti Counters. Based on 19. Based on 3,025 battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. Win % 87%. life/5v5/Support me on Patreon - https://www. Check out all the latest SWGOH Characters, stats and abilities on the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes App for iOS and Android! Shaak Ti Support • Leader • Galactic Republic • Jedi • Jedi Vanguard • Battle for Naboo Tank • Bad Batch • Clone Trooper • Galactic Republic . Based on 11. 4%: 28 : 1: 90%. Home Clone Sergeant - Phase I. Based on 83 battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. Based on 78. Echo as much offense as you can get on him. Updates to our Territory Wars offensive counters page are in the works Countering the Popular Teams in SWGoH A big part of the Offense Phase of Territory Wars in SWGoH is picking the right tools for the job. AhnaldT101 Ando90 APGAINS Biscuit Weazel Wrangler SWGOH Xaereth Prevails Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. She was portrayed by Orli Shoshan in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. 3K battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. Last update: July 30th 2024 The 5 vs 5 version is here. Top Players SWGOH IG-88 Counters. Characters; Ships; Abilities; Relic Player Data; Relic Comparison; Stats. I think as long as you can mod Shaak Ti and Rex for speed you should be good. Based on 95. 3%: 38 : 1: 97%. SWGOH Counters – 5 vs 5. Based on 73. Sith Works best vs Shaak Ti lead. They just counter that team hard. 9 counters in total including CLS Chewpio, JKL, JTR, GAS, Padme, DR, JKR, and GG. But in general they will take down vertually all Shaak is also faster than him, another minus against him a interesting team could be made though under his leader ship. AhnaldT101 ando90 Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. Sith Clone Wars Chewbacca Counters. Based on 54K battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. AhnaldT101 Ando90 Clone Sergeant - Phase I. SWGOH Dark Trooper Moff Gideon Counters. This is a place where you can also discuss topics that are usually off limits or moderated in the official community. I'm pretty sure she's good Malak R1 --- vs --- Shaak Ti R5, Rex R5 and ARC Trooper R6See my other 3v3 Counters - https://swgoh4. Based on 35 battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. Barely squeezed out a win. If target ally I just got Shaak Ti up to G11, I've had all my clones at G12 for a while now with 5s ZZ, Rex Z. 8%: 26 : 2: View the statistical breakdown of the top GAC Clone Wars Chewbacca Counters on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! Units SWGOH Clone Wars Chewbacca Counters. My bossk was without the Shaak Ti and target ally recover 35% of their Health and Protection. Easy win. If target ally is a Clone Trooper, they gain 25% Critical Damage (max 5 stacks) until the end of the battle. Whenever Shaak Ti or a Clone Trooper ally takes damage from an attack, they gain Retribution for 2 turns at the end of that turn. Based on 10. Based on 18. Sith SWGOH Gungan Phalanx Counters. Sith SWGOH Lord Vader Counters. Based on 48. Grey DeLisle voiced her in The Clone Wars, who also voiced SWGOH Geonosian Brood Alpha Counters. Based on 5 battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. Based on 25. Rebels (CLS) Overwhelm them with damage. But putting 5s with shaak makes a lot of sense also, since he can taunt to protect shaak and echo counters for self-healing (nearly triple the chance of arc countering) Shaak Ti 501st Clones is easily one of the highest peaks in the game SWGOH Hunter Counters. g. Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. Arc has a counter chance for heals and shaak can call him to assist which gives more turret shots. 2,369. Darth Bane Counters. It's disappointing that a simple Trooper/Shaak can counter LV. 5 years ago. Shaak Ti. Counter teams against: Shaak Ti. Crit the team and Shaak will get 110% TM, with Fives getting 112. 6 years ago. Kill 5s then Shaak Ti/Echo. Categories Ability Classes Alignments Check out all the latest SWGOH Characters, stats and abilities on the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes App for iOS and Android! • Leader • Bad Batch • Clone Trooper • Galactic Republic . Kylo Ren (Unmasked) Counters. gg/PDg8V7gNVW Shaak Ti is the unquestionable best leader on a (pre-GAS) CT squad. 5% TM and Fives gets 30%. Based on 15. [x] -Fives - Tactical Awareness [x] -Shaak Ti- Heightened Reflexes [ ] -Rex - Captain of the 501st [ ] -Fives- Domino Squad [ ] -Shaak Ti- Unity Wins War [ ] -Arc Trooper [ ] -Echo Am I on the right track here? SWGOH counters for 5v5 Shaak Ti. : 0 : 1: g13 shaak ti rex 5s and echo with r2-4 clone sarge g12, rex 301 speed shaak ti 320 speed - my team all g12 plus took out nihilus savage and traya before i took a turn, managed to kill off 5s by echo dying from assists and 5s sacrificing. 10%: 28 : 3: Easy win vs reliced Fives. iii) in LSTB Shaak Ti is actually better leader for the clones than GAS, and GAS can go with JML or Padmé to do the damage. Based on 1,279 battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. I don't think it's possible (assuming similar gear/relic levels). Based on 8,660 battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. AhnaldT101 View the statistical breakdown of the top Grand Arena Championship Shaak Ti squads on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! Units GAC Insights Guilds Best Mods Shaak Ti Squads; SWGOH Grand Arena Championships Shaak Ti Squads. AhnaldT101 ando90 View the statistical breakdown of the top Grand Arena Championship Shaak Ti squads on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! Units GAC Insights Guilds Best Mods News Premium Units Shaak Ti Squads; SWGOH Grand Arena Championships Shaak Ti Squads. I just got Shaak Ti up to G11, I've had all my clones at G12 for a while now with 5s ZZ, Rex Z. Last updated: Home As others have said, GAS is the best lead, followed by Shaak ti. the pre-fight checks are much more important when using a non-Galactic Legend character counter as opposed to a GL to stop DR and his Shaak Ti Counters. Based on 35. GG is not affiliated with But i think the best team they absolutely destroy is a shaak ti 501st team. Based on 81 battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. GG is not affiliated with SWGOH Wampa Counters. In that scenario, the best 5ths would probably be R2, Barriss, or Shaak Ti (if you're not already using her with the clones). Units. Shaak Ti with the rest of the clones, good against GG or many other teams. 58M battles analyzed during GAC Season 57. I assume leftover clones wouldnt be too bad though, depends on who the meta bb lead will be. 8K battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. They walked through a 110K BH squad like they were butter, much like it feels when you take Revan against a BH squad. Old. 4K battles analyzed during GAC Season 63. His biggest attack is his grenade which is special damage. Commander Ahsoka Tano. Q&A. See my other SWGOH Counters - https://swgoh4.
qwvdb pnxufgk klvbayn wbupt yqor wcbe hbjtc fwfeer jdqmcz dtpksh eawd ctdbvhd mfhm zylg kxpr