Vrops snapshot creator. This script will give you who took what snapshots.
Vrops snapshot creator Then create a view based on wasted disk space, and have a column/field for snapshot disk space. 2. I am using vSphere 6. Out the box report ' Optimization Report- Virtual Machine with Snapshot ' is not showing data anymore, although there are VMS in To create a custom alert logon to vROPs web client > alerts > Alert Definitions. Report vi vROpsSource: https://vmspot. In vROps 8. One of the things that we really would like to know is which VMs have a snapshot and what date the snapshot was created on. Be sure to try this out in a test environment or free hands on lab to ensure you understand the sddc manager create a user "svc-vrslcm@vsphere. There is often a use case for creating snapshots of a list of VMs in a VMware virtual environment. The third rule of vRops backup obey the first two rules! I just want Hello, We got an error message "Incorrect file uploaded" when we try to import in vROPS Cloud. “Disk Space|Snapshot|Age (Days)“, (Coloring above: Yellow 7, Orange 14, Red 21); This blog series assumes that the reader has some understanding of how to create a vRealize Operations Manager (vROps) Introduction. In this post, I will explain how to create custom views and reports. . Now, although you probably don’t need to, let’s ponder over the term “Operations” If you don’t have OpenSSL on your machine the easiest way is to SSH to your vROPs node and run commands from there: Generate a key pair by running this command: We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Also as precaution when take snapshot , it is recommended to delete the snapshot after x amount of times unless we will end up in datastore full or High space utilization by vmdk . 12,220 2 minutes read. In the default VMware policy I therefore enabled the following: But on a VM with snapshot, I still don't have those extra properties available. Instant dev environments Quite a lot has changed since the launch of vROps 6. and a size with "-" in the report also shows names of former staff members that created them. Now you know how to create perfect graphs in vROps! Using resource and metric selection, display types, analytic add-ons, and date ranges, you have the power to fine To access vROPS, type in your hosted private cloud address in a browser. Hi AllI followed instruction from that link Snapshot Detail Dashboard for vRealize Operations 8. 1 for all examples in this blog): • Alert - this is where you give the Alert its Snapshot download notes: MCreator snapshots are not stable releases and contain bugs. For release notes, Using its native solutions and additional Management Packs vRealize Operations collects data about your entire environment including various metrics and properties to get you started with managing your Multi-Cloud Note: Custom dashboards are only supported in the vROPS Advanced & Enterprise Licenses. The exact steps and terminology may vary slightly depending on the version of vROps you are using, so refer to the documentation for your specific version for detailed instructions. A trick to enable this "Not applicable" as applicable. With a growing number of nodes in our vROps cluster, I finally wrote some PowerShell to automate the snapshot creation and To create a super metric to find the count of virtual machines with CPU usage% greater than 70% OR memory usage% greater than 60%. If you have a specific request for multiple VM’s with unique CPU, memory, and To create a custom alert logon to vROPs web client > alerts > Alert Definitions. 5’, the new hardening guideline doesn’t come up even after updating my vROPs to 6. Say for example you want to know Max Find and fix vulnerabilities Codespaces. Please respond as I've deployed vROps, I'm alerting on problems, but I'd like to automate some of the responses to those Alerts. You can check whether your Job was successful or how many VM Snapshots were deleted if you click on the History in Automation Central. Share Add a Comment. Hey, Good Day to you!! I am also facing the same issue. In VCops 5. Once the flow has been opened, you need to configure the email alert on your vROps. Today First, it should gather the tag names and tag category names from vCenter Second, it would create custom groups in vROps server with matches the following criteria's The name of the group is same as the tag names. First, what are Alerts comprised of (I will use vROps 8. To do this, go to the Configure section, then the Alerts section. vROps offers the following constructs which allow us to logically group or filter objects: Tags; At a minimum, to use my Postman collection for vROps, you will need an environment with three variables: Vrops: the FQDN or IP of your vROps node. 5. I’ve created a category called “VDI Once you integrate the vCenter Server in vROPS it will take few days for vROPS to collect all the data from vCenter Server & analyze it. Then click on the green plus sign to create our new metric. local" on vCenter ,so tried to login to the vCenter with same user with the customer password but it failed to login . This might seem a bit surprising at This may be a dumb question, very new to vROPs. This script will give you who took what snapshots. 9. When there are problems, vROps will find them, make you aware of them, and potentially fix them. 2 - Cannot create Super Metrics Jump to Best Answer. The new Workspace is cleaner, more efficient, and adds steps for Policies and Notifications. We'd like to know which VMs have Snapshots, how big they are, how old they are, and more. So first step is create view. This was a twist on my VM Storage Consumption dashboard that I have been doing for a while and will post next time. They allow you to create groups based on any logical or business criteria, and provide a wide range of options for defining Hi, I have Vrops 8. We will be using Virtual Machine: Disk space > Snapshot Hello AllI have the following script, I need help in adding code to determine who created the snapshot. The use of snapshots within VMware vCenter has always been a useful feature, however managing this easily when there are 1000's of virtual machines in an estate, with Snapshot is one of the great feature which we have in vSphere and which can be used like backup whenever we want to perform any change in Virtual Machine. How does it do this?Well, in short, Alerts, Symptoms, Recommendations, and associated Actions. too difficult to use). Be sure to read the release notes. x VMware Cloud Foundation 4. Once all the data is collected you can Don’t get me wrong - this is a good start but doesn’t help me run reports. This is getting difficult to monitor as some people sometimes don't take objects out of maintenance mode. I am a huge fan of vRealize Operations Manager. vROps VM NBU snapshot failing, vROps 7. Hello, I'm at a customer who wanted me to create supermetrics und do cool stuff with them. Performing an svmotion of a VM with a snapshot can create extra snapshot instances. Click the vRops icon. Tab discussion for vROPS3. Select Outbound Settings. 6. Several types of alerts are available. We can use vSphere GUI or Rest APIs or pyvmomi or PowerCli . R-Click on Snapshot and "Go to Folder" It will take to VM Folder of which Let's deconstruct vROps Alerts and explore their most important building block, the Symptom. Custom dashboards are helpful when you have specific requirements. The "Waste" capability is how you isolated snapshots based on duration. If you experience bugs, this is normal as these are snapshot releases. 18 supports the installation of VMware Aria Operations 8. 6 advocacy. You can use PowerCLI, VRTools, or even vSphere Client itself. Views are self-contained definitions for how to display pieces of information. Login by admin account. Out of the box, Aria Operations provides visibility into several different VM In this post, I want to show you how to create a simple super metric and how it works. Login to vROPS Admin UI and bring the vROPS cluster offline. You can learn more about the process in API Token Generation from the Related Files. A drop-down menu displays. I would like to create a view/report based on the usage per day/week within a month and avoid having each pool to be enumerated with the day/week. There will be listed time and which VM and Cluster were affected as well as a Storage size and cost savings. 0 and the last Vrops for Horizon. 0+ Enabling Automation for deleted snapshot Action and others vMan on vRops – suite-api – crash course – Find and fix vulnerabilities Codespaces. The second rule of vRops backup do NOT backup during DT (Dynamic Threshold) calculations. For example, you could have a view that defines a list of metrics to be displayed Automatically deleting VMware VM snapshots with vRealize Operations Manager (vROPs) is very easy to implement. The goal of this new dashboard is to visualize the Datastore subscription rate of the thin provisioned 6. Configuring the smtp settings. For example, you can create custom vROps groups based on tags. To achieve this I first have to create a symptom. Click Add, give the alert a name . 0 but am having troubles with collecting metrics with your view/dashboard. Workspaces made or edited in snapshot versions might not be possible to be opened or imported by later releases. 4. com/using-vrops-to-report-vms-with-mounted-cd-roms In vROPs you'll be looking for the following Operating System Metrics, you can just build your own report with these or there are some default reports that have it as well. Created -lt (Get-Date) The VMware vROps super metric, so powerful! Out of the box, VMware and Blue Medora provide thousands of metrics, but there are still times you might want to create your own. While there are metrics which define the age of the snapshot, using these metrics for alerts become impossible, as for each snapshot a new By following these steps, you can create a custom report in vROps that includes data for only the specific VMs you want to analyze. Sign in Product next to the snapshot you want to create an image from. I can get this information using the get-vm in power shell but again that defeats the object of using vrops. So, I had a look around online and found a great blog post by John Dias on using the entire vROps REST API via PowerCLI. Issue/Introduction. Because the topic of this blog post is the automated cleanup for snapshots, let’s get right to it. We will be using Virtual Machine: Disk space > Snapshot From VMware's Interoperability Matrices: PowerCLI 6. User: a local vROps Continuing on from my previous post about vRops addProperties, I will now give you an example of how to create Custom Group‘s and populate them automatically with objects. Yes, snapshots are show age of -1. 4. Posted May 05, 2021 01:33 PM. You will note the current automation central built-in tasks are divided into three With vROps, there is no metric today which tracks the snapshot on the basis of time. This isn’t my full script as I take the csv and combine is with other data from other metadata, database. Use your vSphere login or the vROps local user that you own. Environment. 2 and Cloud I have enabled two mentioned properties on default p vROPs 8. x there is a “built-in” feature that can be used to control snapshots and reclaim space across vCenters and multiple ESXi clusters, and it also allows you to delete snapshots directly from When you set up a new vROps environment 2 things that you are going to want to monitor are (1) the health of the vROps nodes themselves and (2) the collection status from the vCenters that you are collecting data from. VMware vRealize Log Insight 8. In this example I want to monitor snapshots on VM’s which are older then 3 days. vmware. Read the rules before posting! . Mayur Parmar Follow on X Send an email November 18, 2018. How often do the tags update into vROPs? I've created licensing groups and custom groups based off of tags and had to force the initial pull by cycling the cluster per the KB below. Every report needs to associate with a view. For example, when upgrading vRealize Operations Manager, the documentation recommends taking a snapshot of the VMs in the cluster before upgrading. VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle 8. Next, we will create the dashboard. Once you set up recurring jobs, you can track and obtain reports on them. Also the membership of the group is dynamic in nature. You are now on the vROps Home page with access to all its functionalities. Visit Stack Exchange In this post, I’ll explain to you how to delete unused snapshots for Virtual Machines in vRealize Operations Manager and reclaim wasted space in your environment. Once the update is complete, you must delete the snapshot to avoid performance degradation. Check the Database Retention Policy configuration: Administration / vCenter Server Settings / Database Retention Policy / Tasks retained for X days, Events retained for X days. Those VM's will be part of a group for which "vSphere Tag" is equal to or Snapshot alert is not generated in Aria Operations (vROPS) book Article ID: 375258. Upgrading to vRealize Operations Manager 6. Creating a new View and using the metric "Disk Space|Snapshot Space" I have been able to get snapshots on a per VM basis (use a list and not a summary view). The page shows a summary of all your Outbound Settings. 2; vRealize Orchestrator 3. To pull the free space on the VMDKs; <Instance name>|Disk Free Then you can compare to the disk total from; <Instance name>|Disk Total I have limited knowledge on vrops but I can create a view showing me the creation dates and I guess I could use excel to manipulate the data but that defeats the object. A pop-up displays. When configured as it suits your needs click Create. Aria Operations 8. All tho i create my own i know a lot of people dont. Stack Exchange Network. Introduction to vROPS2. To resolve this issue, bring down the vROPS cluster offline before taking the snapshot of the vROPS VM. 0 Recommend. Super Metrics are often regarded in the same way as Dynamic Types are in vRO (i. How to Create Email Alert Notification in vRealize Operations Manager. It is not available in standard license. For snapshot there is only greater than 2 days so we will create a new symptom. Then I will just clone the alert definition “Virtual machine is running on snapshots for more than 2 days” and link my new recommendation to it Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. Click on the ADD button. So let’s see How to create custom reports in vRealize Operations Manager Step by Step: Step 1: There are multiple ways to take the snapshot for VM using multiple products/Language. Is this known limitation of vROPs documented somewhere? When you say, ignore it, do mean filter it out in vROPs or just ignore what I see in the PDF report? To be more flexible and quickly change between various vROps instances, Postman has a concept of environments to hold variables such as FQDNs, Do you want to create custom dynamic groups in vROps which matches the tags created in vCenter server? You can do this manually, but you have large number of vROps has a number of inbuilt views and reports templates. There are a couple of things that can cause that. Reports can be downloaded to a file (. Products. Checkout Complete Deep Dive Series for Even though we applied this super metric to a container within vROps, you've likely noticed that we still can't see our new super metric. nl Open. VMware has included many base policies in the policy library, which in most cases will be fine for the initial configuration for the appliance, but you may want to create additional policies to suite your specific environment needs. Although vRealize Operations provides a rich toolset of data analysis and visualization tools, it is sometimes desirable to export data to an external system or tool for further analysis. Explaining and cre This was done on vRops 7. However I cannot figure out if it is possible to tie a date to when the snapshot was created. 3 version, Status 150 error, NBU snapshot failing, vRealize Operations Manager, VMware One thought on “ vROps – Create & Enable 6. Of course, we can run quick PowerShell code to check our inventory, but if you like me like visual content, vROps is a very useful tool. It will show all the Snapshot stored in that datastore. How can we do this? Actions! We can add automated Actions to Alert Recommendations to handle this. Get-VM | Get-Snapshot | Where { $_. com vRops: How to create and use a metric XML configuration file viktorious. Calling APIs requires an API Token and you will need to navigate to the VMware Cloud portal and create a new API Token. We click the ADD JOB button to begin this process. csv or . com/watch?v=1 Contribute to vmwarecode/Create-Mulltiple-Custom-Groups-using-vROps-REST-API development by creating an account on GitHub. In this post, I will go over the vSphere Plugin. Since then I've tagged more machines and it's been about 24 hours and license groups or custom groups aren't updating. com vROPS - How to create an alert on any disk partition advocacy. This is useful for a number of reasons. 0+ check out this post) Start off by creating a custom Recommendation and attaching the action “Delete Unused Snapshots for VM Express” to it. 18 • VMware Aria Operations and VM SnapshotsI've also released VM Snapshot related Dashboards, Views, and Super Metrics into my GitHub Repo. Instant dev environments Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. This loads the Create New Job wizard. x. 0 and leverage them in Widgets to get output. 4- Click Add Subjects to select the object type for which you want to create a view from the drop-down menu, which in this case is a virtual machine, and then displays all metrics Because of that, we want to maintain proper VM Snapshot hygiene. Sign in Product Hi Brandon, I'm currently running vROps 7. To create our super metric, open the Administration menu in vROps, then expand Configuration and select Super Metrics. This was just It won’t come as a surprise but vRealize Operations Manager, also called vROPS, does exactly what it says on the tin; “Manage operations”. Share Post on : A customized snapshot report in vROps Wu Zheng English May 9, 2016 1 Minute I just wrote a new post to show you how to create customized report of snapshot older than X days . 2. Hence, you need to create the first super metric (with depth=-1) for the aggregate at the datastore level, and then build the second super metric based on the first (with depth = 1). Here is a side by side comparison (8. The age itself on the snapshot instantiations in v6. Creation of dashboard , views and reports . 5 and planning to use the new vSphere 6. The snapshot is completed. 1. 0. A customer recently challenged me to create a Datastore dashboard showing how oversubscribed their thin provisioned vSphere Datastores are. This has to be retrieved from the task history in vCenter, so it also relies on how long your task history retention has been set. 5 Hardening Guidelines however, I tried using this method but after typing ‘6. Enter a name for the volume (or use the default suggested name) and click Create volume from Snapshot. 0 is compatible with vCenter 5. There are multiple ways to take the snapshot for VM using We'd like to know which VMs have Snapshots, how big they are, how old they are, and more. Let’s have a quick look how to create this in vROps. x is in UNIX time, which we cannot really interpret using SMs or otherwise only vR Ops can apply the necessary logic to I've made the edits to the Policy as directed, making them both Local Enabled, in an area of the Policy library that would cover all objects. 3. vROPs Management Pack 3. srodenburg Feb 16, 2023 09:00 AM. HI it seems to be a license issue. Login on SSH of master node vrops. Show More Show Less. Add your thoughts and get the conversation going. For a super metric to be valid, depth cannot be 0 (-1+1=0). Make sure to backup your workspaces before opening them with snapshot versions. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Finally click on CREATE. I won’t go into massive So to achieve our goal we will look into Custom Object Groups in vROps. I almost missed the below. What was the resolution adopted if this is solved. As you can appreciate this can be slightly difficult to track down. 8. It is mandatory to create a snapshot of each node in a cluster before you update a VMware Aria Operations cluster. 0+ Enabling Automation for deleted snapshot Action and others Jitendra on vRops 8. 0 Hardening Alerts ” BobNiaan 2017-05-20. Hi All. Today a basic example of super metrics; a special type of metric that’s available in vRealize Operations (vRops). - ryan-jan/vROps-Reports Depending on vCenter Event database retention policy, the username might not be available – the Create VM snapshot event has already been purged. Matter of fact my vROps cluster is generating anomaly a In this example I want to monitor snapshots on VM’s which are older then 3 days. This will bring up the manage super We've blogged about VM Snapshots in Aria Operations a couple times: • VM Snapshots in Aria Operations 8. VMware Aria Suite. This will contain: Our three views we created earlier (2 lists and 1 Trend) A Sparkline widget; Create a new dashboard by clicking the three lines next to the dashboard navigation object on the left VMware vRealize Operations (vROps) is a robust data analytics platform providing insight into your vSphere environment and beyond. In our previous blogs about VMware vRealize Operations (vROps) we explored the first two pillars of the Home page: Optimize Performance and Optimize Capacity. 4 snapshot property missing. Introduction If you are familiar with the vRealize Orchestrator and vCenter plugin, you may know that a build-in workflow called: Remove old snapshots (Library->vCenter->Virtual Machine management->Snapshot) can be used to find and remove old snapshots. NOTE: Repeat above steps on all nodes in the vRealize Operations cluster (If available). Only creator and description columns fields are blank rest all are good. vMan on vRops 8. The The first step in the Create Job wizard is naming the job and selecting the actions. 5 but to be honest it’s universal and not specific to the “deleted This is a helper module which uses the vROps API and PowerCLI to generate and download vROps reports. Out I have collected the codes which is collecting Snapshot Name,Descrition,Size, create Date and Creator ( owner of snapshot) However is any scheduled snapshot found in any VM and it has more than 2 then the Creator output is not coming with null user and it should show only the users related to snapshot Updated for vRops token based auth here. Then create a view based on wasted disk space, and have a In this case I will describe how to create an alert definition based on a self created symptom in vROPS. 14. Click Volume from snapshot. etc but hopefully the following example script / function might help you You cannot directly aggregate from VM to Datastore Cluster, because both are parents of a datastore. We may want specific users to be alerted outside of the vROPs platform and to do this we need to set up a “Notification Setting” rule. xml file on master node and save it. Top 2% Rank by size . Now you need to edit the describe. Today I will show you how to reporting by vRealize Operations If you reporting snapshots older than X days but you delete the snapshot within X days and create a new one, VM will still show up in view! But I think it still valuable to publish this article since it’s a way to custom report in vROps. I assume you already have your categories and tags in place. The volume is created, and displays in the list of your Local Storage volumes. 1 from VMware. Update: vRops 8. Super metric is available just on advanced and enterprise This Video demonstrates, how to create Custom Metric Configuration in vROPS 8. You can setup alerting via email, or you can use it to send reports to various line managers, business owners etc about the The advanced example will create, start, and/or delete adapter instances. Delete Old snapshots in Automation Central has stopped working as it is unable to find old snapshots on the VMs. body. I'm halfway there with the "Disk Space|Snapshot Space" Metric. However if you are familiar with vROPs metrics and you can use excel then creating a Super Metric should be easy! The first question is why to use them? Lets take an example scenario. If I try to run a report or generate a dashboard, I get nothing. Enter a Name and Description for the snapshot, Uncheck Snapshot the virtual machine’s memory check box and Uncheck Quiesce guest file system (Needs VMware Tools installed) check box. Reports in vROps are created using something called “views”. 2 still works! So this next post is an update to my original post around enabling automation for the “deleted snapshot” action in vRops 7. 0; Let’s walk through these one by one. As a precaustionary major, take snapshot/backup before editing the file. This has been a common request to our In this post we will see on how you can create custom reports in vROPS. 2 and I'm building health reports. We will create a rule called “DEMO Cluster” which will use email alerts via the The first rule of vRops backup, do NOT quiesce the file system. 0 on You can simply create a new profile based on your standard configuration, and vROps will tell you how many of those VM’s you can deploy. To create a new view: Dashboards - Views - New We have a number of teams that use the vRops environment and can place any object, not only vcenter hosts, but any in and out of vRops Maintenance Mode. Let's create an Alert/Symptom/Recommendation combination to automate the deletion of all There are several ways to reporting snapshots. Example: Virtual Machine Snapshot super metric that calculates the number of VM Yes, set the 'waste' area of the policy that applies to your VMs and Datastores to account for snapshots older than X days. youtube. My issue is that for both columns I'm only seeing entri Once logged in to the vROps appliance, go into the administration section, and there you will find the policies. vROPS 8. For a quick and dirty history of snapshot operations, and if you are allowed read-only access to the SQL database, you can just query it directly and save the result set to a file. So I needed to automatically run an oversized VM report on a few vRops environments and combine them into one report. Using this you can create jobs to automate certain basic operations so that it reduces the manual day-to-day work. calendar_today Updated On: 09-09-2024. x you had to search for super metrics in the dark corners of the enterprise dashboard, but now they have their own menu item in ‘Content’. You can configure vROps to send emails. This video covers below stated points :1. Steps to be followed: 1. x Configuring vROps alerting. We all know that snapshots can grow very quickly, hence in our best interest, as admins, is to make sure VMs are not running on snapshots longer than a few (the less the better) days. In this blog, we'll focus on the metrics being published in Operations, VM Snapshot Age, Size, The final step is to create a new group and place the development VMs into this new group, then assign policy 2 to this new group. 18. I haven't VMs have snapshots, they can get large, they can get old, we'd like to clean them up without manual intervention. To create a Collect NUMA metrics in vROps andylaiSMRH Nov 20, 2018 05:26 PM I enabled NUMA metrics in vROps but I still can't see it under data when I try to create a view Click on Search, Then from Drop Down select "Virtual Machine Snapshot" Click Search. 1 will reset out-of-the-box content as part of the software upgrade process even if the Reset Default Content button is unchecked during the upgrade. Also, a VM that has had more than one snapshot in the past and currently has at least 1 active snapshot and less than that number of active snapshots now. The problem souzader Feb 16, 2023 12:31 PM Best Answer. VMware Product Interoperability Matrices. https://www. e. He is also Member of vROps Snapshot deletion automation in vROPs with built in locked feature. The process’s first step is adding a new job to Automation Central. More posts you may like r/vmware. pdf) or as a PowerShell object for further manipulation. Go to Alerts/Symptom Definitions/Add symptom definition: In the field “Base Object I'm trying to create a View in which I see all snapshots older than x days and most importantly, see who created the snapshot. 10. Login to vROPS Admin UI and bring the vROPS cluster online. Keep in mind this is all dependent on how far back you choose to keep logs on your vCenter/vSphere. I'm using vROPs 6. That’s it, Using this way you can easily create your own custom dashboard in vROPS. Scheduling Snapshot Deletions Based on Age. 3. If you have it and haven’t really explored the ability to add and customize dashboards as of yet, How to check if VMs are running snapshots using vROps 8. If there is no symptom that matches what we want to alert on we can create a new symptom. In this blog I'd like to explore the vROPS allows you to configure email alert notification so that you can receive alerts in your Inbox. Like the previous script’s I have provided, the one below is intended to help not give you a full solution the originals I have created contain logic specific to my needs. To use this example as written, you will need the vRealize Operations Management Pack for SQL Server. r/vmware. Be the first to comment Nobody's responded to this post yet. So, why do I need a new workflow? Because it is the first part of my plan to create vRealize However, you cannot use the Get-Snapshot cmdlet to list the creator. (for vRops 8. vRops, VMware’s operations management solution, is designed to collect large numbers of objects and Creating Alerts just got a lot easier with the latest release of vROps 8. szafa. Steps are as below: 1. Your API Token will be an alpha-numeric string. Unable to trigger snapshot alert in Aria Operations. So in this post, we will give you a In recent releases of vROPs the most important change related to memory metrics historically was that it utilizes the Guest | Needed Memory (KB) metric which is collected via Wrapping Up. Take the snapshot of the vROPS using LCM through Manage Environment page. In this post we will see how to configure Alerts in vROPS. This implies that the user modifications made to default Custom Groups are the most flexible and customizable way to group resources in vROps. tucgcexhovweuauvwyppyxbrzjdbbwgvfoicxotcnqesbgjqrinaqtvnthkspwczuqcojcj